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Dallas Cowboys TV Show

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  • Pages: 4
  • Word count: 770
  • Category: Life

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The Dallas Cowboys was a team selected for all or nothing on the amazon prime tv show. The Amazon crew is filming the team throughout the season to show people what really goes on around the facility during the season. The amazon prime crew has done a couple of seasons with different teams. The Amazon crew even did stories on college football programs and even NBA teams and soccer team in Europe. When Amazon prime does the show, it is unrated, so anything can happen. The amazon prime film crew reveals the behind the scene of a national football team during the season. Dallas Cowboys face problem during the season. During the season the Cowboys lose their middle linebacker to a groin injury and their left tackle to a hamstring injury and, they’re facing running back issues. The team must seek a way to win a game without their star players out, so they put players that they think that would help their team win games.

The team struggles to find a win for two games. Later on, they find out their best kicker was injured during a game, so they put a safety that used to kick in high school for now. Then the team held tryouts to replace their kicker for a short term until the starting kicker comes back. Each week when they have teams meeting, they have a bonding moment and have to introduce themselves. The players start getting frustrated with each other and because they kept losing games they lost their chemistry. Then the players have to dig deep inside and find a way to win a game to stay in playoff contention. Eventually, the receive their star players back but are not playoff contention after a tough loss at home.

The head coach talks with the team and tells them to think about how you want to finish the season. The team finishes winning their season strong and now they get ready for the next season. Authors main point of the show. The primary point of the show is to see how different NFL coach their player and how the team dealt with injuries.The head coach wants to see the best 11 players on each side to compete on Sunday wants to know to be they can get the job done. If the coach doesn’t see the player giving all the player out of the game and even could be released from the team also. During the teams meeting, they talk about the next opponent they play and look at their film to see how they play. The athletes look at their own practice film to see how they performed on the field and they change things if they need to. The teams replaced their left tackle to protect their quarterback but disappointed the head coach they put another guy in he did better than the last guy. The running back position was an issue because the starter was dealing with a suspension.

The running game wasn’t working well for the Cowboys. The team was failing to reach the end zone and could score a touchdown. The defense was allowing too many rushing yards. Suspending the key player. I disagree with the league suspending a Dallas Cowboys running back for six games for a crime that I don’t think he did. The running back was in his second year in the NFL and in college, he was within my opinion the best head coach Urban Myers at Ohio State. Urban Myers teaches all of his players disciplines and not to do things that could hurt their career. If the league didn’t get suspend the running back the team would have done better, and the Cowboys might have reached the playoffs.

The good thing was the owner of the Dallas Cowboys organization fought the league to not suspend their key running back for a long time. I wish the league makes the suspension shorter instead of six games. The Dallas Cowboys were a team that was filmed under the radar to be on an amazon prime tv show. The team has been through ups and down with the player being injured and couldn’t score a touchdown had trouble moving the offense to the end zone. The team did everything they could to put a different player in the lineup to help to get a win and make the playoff. The Cowboys fought their way to push the judges to answer back and to let they are running back to play another week. Each player is taught discipline and trying to make sure they don’t mess up their NFL career.

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