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Business Plan for the WRSX Group

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Business Plan for the WRSX Group

Participant name:

1. Executive Summary
(Complete this section of your plan last. Go straight to Section 2 of this plan. Return to the Executive Summary when you have completed all other sections.) A.Purpose of the plan (e.g. establish mission, vision, goals and objectives for WRSX Group in the next three years.)

B. Company description
i. Company name
ii. Products and services
iii. Current/future structure

C. Market description
i. Target markets (geographic, demographic, segments)
ii. Competitors

2. Mission Statement

(Current WRSX mission statement or a revised statement created by you.)

3. Company Objectives
(Objectives should include the goal sought, the index used for measurement, the target to be achieved and the timeframe in which the target is to be achieved.) i. General company objectives
ii. Marketing objectives
iii. Operations objectives
iv. Finance objectives
v. Human resources objectives

4. Market Analysis and Strategies

(Key factors impacting on or about to impact on WRSX Group’s business taken from your Phase 1 Strategic Analysis and how you plan to deal with them.) A. Macro environment economic factors

B. Business environment

C. Sector/market analysis
i. Describe the potential of the industry, outlook and trends and how you intend to position WRSX in relation to these ii. Describe WRSX Groups’ products and services, market position in its different sectors as you see them in three years time iii. Competitive analysis and how you see that shifting

a. Market segments served by competitors
b. Strengths and weaknesses
c. Capabilities – marketing, financial, creative, production, other d. Current and future competitive threats

D.Marketing activities
i. Overall marketing strategies that will deliver your company objectives in the next three years a. Geographic strategy
b. Segmentation strategy
c. Pricing strategy
d. Growth strategy

5. Operations and Environmental Sustainability
A. How operations need to change in order to deliver your plan

B.Environmental/sustainability issues that may impact on the WRSX Groups’ operations

6. Structure and Key Management Personnel
A.Issues with the organisation structure and your plans to retain or change this

B.Skills/experience that give strength to the WRSX Group that you need to

C.Obvious weaknesses in the WRSX team and how you will overcome them

7. Financial Data
A.Projections for the next three/four years

B.Key assumptions made in prospective financial forecast

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