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Bad Temper

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Bad Temper it is sometimes right & even necessary to be angry.one is said to be a coward and a mean selfish person,who is not angry when he sees a wrong done to an innocent man,or a little child beaten and starved by cruel parents or a dumb animal tortured by cruel men.Anger is sometimes right and holy.But we cannot find even one good word to say for bad temper.that is always wrong and generally foolish.

Bad temper is always selfish.a bad tempered person is very nice if u always let him have his own way.But if u cross the person in the smallest thing ,he/she flies into a rage.And then he/she will act like a mad person and do all kinds of unjust and unkind things even to his best friends.

Bad temper is mainly due to lack of self control.Even the best persons have felt voxed and cross sometimes but they have learnt to ctrl. their feelings.and so do not let themselves fall into a passion when people annoy them.But bad tempered people r the slaves ,not the masters of their feelings.So bad tempered people r weak and r to be pitied &dispised.

A bad tempered man is an unhappy man.How can u be happy when u allow every little to worry u and send u into a towering passion.? they r generally sully people , and r always fancing that others r crossing,teasing and annoying them on purpose.they think they r the injured people with everyone against them.

And moreover bad tempered people make others unhappy too.we cannot enjoy the conpany of a person whom we can never please however hard we may try,who gets cross about everything,who can never saya pleasant thing,but is always finding fault with everything we do.

Bad temper,if my dear friends is not checked,grows into a habit,and then it is very hard to get rid of it.The care is to think less of oneself & more of the happiness of others ,to practice self-ctrl,and to think more of our blessings and less of our worries.When we feel angry we must keep our mouths shut and get away by ourself till we have mastered our feelings.

So the next time u feel angry about anything count to 12 before speaking.

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