A therapist and hypnotherapy
- Pages: 3
- Word count: 540
- Category: Health
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Order NowIn this essay I will discuss why the building of rapport between a client and a therapist is paramount to successful hypnotherapy. Exploration will be given to ways that a good rapport can be built between client and therapist, considering the value and purpose of the notation, also known as an initial consultation and explaining the role of the Conscious Critical Faculty (CCF) and what part it plays in positive outcomes for a client receiving hypnotherapy.
Without good rapport a client cannot receive treatment to the full therapeutic value, therefore I will explain some of the techniques that can be implemented to increase capacity to build rapport, as having a rapport with someone creates a better place to influence, learn and teach. The trust that is built up means clients are more likely to accept a therapists ideas, to share information, and to create opportunities together. This said attention will also be given to the negative impact poor communication skills can have on the ability to build rapport.To support the discussion references to literature have been used and personal experiences drawn upon.
The importance of having a rapport:
What exactly is rapport? There are many ways to describe it, an understanding between two people, a connection, as trust, a chemistry. What is created with this feeling, this connection, this good rapport is the ability to feel secure, confident and able to share, to confide and open up to a therapist. If a client does not feel a sense of trust, is not comfortable with the therapist and has no connection with ‘good rapport’ then it is likely that conscious communication will be fragmented and limited and subconscious communication unachievable, which in essence is the key to successful hypnotherapy. What is known is that a good rapport will most likely lead to quicker treatment as the client will be able to relax and reach the desired outcomes sooner as they will feel secure and confident with their therapist.
When considering C. Roy Hunters (1994) work, he talks about the value of good rapport when considering the 4 key components, of hypnosis: belief; imagination, conviction and expectation (BICE). That a client who believes that the therapist can facilitate hypnosis has increased probability of it being successful for them. Equally imagination, as the language of subconscious, enhances receptiveness, that the client can imagine being hypnotized by the therapist when a rapport exists. And the client who is convinced that the hypnotherapist can hypnotize them will most likely expect to be hypnotized. (p25-26).
However before BICE can be considered, it is essential to understand the client and the value and role of notation, the initial consultation in building rapport. The initial consultation will assess whether the type of problem the client wishes to address is encompassed by the therapist’s skill set and experience or hypnotherapy itself or would it better refereed on to a different type of therapy or counselling. It is at this stage that client and therapist will see whether they feel comfortable in each others company. The client will be trying to established background on the therapist ? education, qualifications, experience and whether they are trustworthy and professional. First impressions create lasting impressions so imperative that the therapist creates an image of professionalism but also approachability