Business Organization and Management: Commerce Practicum
- Pages: 3
- Word count: 641
- Category: Business Corporation Management
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Order Now1. Present the important features of business transactions in the form of a poster. 2. Prepare a Chart showing difference between business, profession and employment. 3. Prepare a Chart showing classification of industries
4. Prepare a chart of trade showing various branches of trade. 5. Prepare a chart of commerce showing its branches.
6. Prepare a Chart showing difference between trade, industry, commerce. 7. Draw a table showing the hindrances in distribution of goods and the elements which overcome these hindrances.
8. Exhibit important objectives of business through a chart. 9. Present the important characters for a businessman to be successful. 10. Draft a note of two pages on management of Reliance group of industries. 11. Draft a note of two pages on management of Unilever (Hindustan) Limited. 12. Draft a note of two pages on management of Dr.Reddy laboratories Ltd. 13. Draft a note of two pages on management of Mahidra Satyam Limited. 14. Draft a note of two pages on management of any motor cycle dealer nearby your place.
15. Write a note of two pages on the management of a famous provision store nearby your area.
16. Write a note of two pages on the management of a famous hotel / restaurant nearby your area.
17. Prepare a chart showing the classification of business organizations.
18. Present the important features of a sole proprietorship business through a poster. 19. Present the important features of a partnership business through a poster. 20. Show the classification of partners in a partnership firm. 21. Obtain a model partnership deed of any existing firm or from text book and make a note of important contents in it.
22. Draft a partnership deed in which 3 partners take part with imaginary details not exceeding three pages.
23. Prepare a chart showing the stages in incorporation of a company.
24. Present the names of various documents used in the process of incorporation of a company.
25. Obtain a copy of Memorandum of Association of a company and make a note of important contents from it.
26. Obtain a copy of Articles of Association of a company and make a note of important contents from it.
27. Obtain a copy of Prospectus issued by a company and make a note of important contents from it.
28. Present the features of a company in the form of a chart. 29. Prepare a poster showing classification of companies based on incorporation. 30. Prepare a chart showing the any ten important differences between a public and private company.
31. Browse the website relating to Registrar of Companies and make a note of important elements not exceeding two pages.
32. Present the sources of Long term capital for a business organization through a chart. 33. Present the sources of Working capital for a business organization through a chart. 34. Exhibit the important functions of management in the form of a chart. 35. Highlight the principles of management of Henry Fayol through a diagram. 36. Present important features a manager should possess to be successful. 37. Draft a note on managerial features of an individual known to you. 38. Prepare a Chart showing steps in planning.
39. Prepare a Chart showing types of plans.
40. Prepare an organization chart for a functional organization. 41. Present a diagram showing the relationship between management and administration. 42. Prepare a diagram showing different levels of management. 43. Prepare organization chart for your college.
44. Prepare a feasibility report for starting of a canteen at your college. 45. Prepare a feasibility report for starting of an internet centre in your locality. 46. Draft a note on favorable and adverse features in you for starting a business 47. Draw a table differentiating leadership from management. 48. Exhibit elements of Taylor’s Scientific Management through a poster. 49. Draw a diagram showing the decision making process.