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Mobile Mania

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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 282
  • Category: Internet

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Mobile phone usage has been enhanced a lot in the present scenario. It is not mere a communication device now, but has been evolved in a multi-functional gadget, through which one can perform a lot of operations, from listening the music to capturing the images.

More and more advanced technologies are being introduced in the mobile phones. Let’s take the camera feature for instance. The journey of cameras in mobile phones has been started from VGA or 1.3 MP camera, but now we have 2 MP, 3.2 MP, 5 MP, 8 MP or even 12 MP snapper. It has been heard that a 41 MP camera is going to be launched in an upcoming Nokia handset.

Entertainment features are also getting advanced. In the recent past, entertainment through mobile phones was limited to FM radio only, but today sophisticated media players on which one can listen his or her favorite tracks or can enjoy the visuals or movies.

Similarly internet could be connected via GPRS in the past, but now you can do the same through Wi-Fi at the Wi-Fi hotspots, which is a much easier and cheaper option. Wi-Fi services are provided free of cost also in many of the campuses.

A great evolution has been witnessed in the memory space also. The old handsets used to come available with a small storage space of a few megabytes. But today we have the option to get up to 64 GB memory and we may see more advancement in this regard in the coming time. So, the people’s fad about mobile phones is quite obvious as these tiny gadgets provide the sophisticated technologies on their palm.

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