Implement Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Persuasive
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- Category: Health
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Order Now1.1 Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a health or social-care work setting
The following is a list of currant legislation;
1) Fire Precautions Act 1971
I have completed a fire precaution course, which we re-cap yearly. Also Style Acre carry out PAT testing on all electrical items, new and old on a regular basis. 2) Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement. The company provide accident books in every house we work in where we must record every accident no matter how big or small. 3) Health And Safety of Work Act 1974
The company provide incident forms which we must record any incidents no matter how big or small that occur. We also have training on a yearly basis to recap. 4) Manual Handling Operations Regulation 1992 Also LOLER 1998 The company provide very thorough training in this area. This allows us to take care of ourselves and others that may be affected by their or our actions. 5)Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health regulation 2002 (COSHH) The company provide training in this area and all controlled/hazardous substances are kept in a secure cupboard in all of the houses we work in.
In all cases where legislation has an impact on our day to day activities we have forms and books provided to help record any issues that occur in the workplace and have a large amount of supporting information that we can reference when required. This is all supported by yearly re-cap training.
1.2 Explain the main points of health and safety policies and procedures
agreed with the employer
Each employee should be given such information, instruction and training as is necessary to enable the safe performance of work activities. All processes and systems of work should be designed to take account of health and safety and will be properly supervised at all times. Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to enable employees to raise issues of health and safety. Competent persons should be appointed to assist in meeting statutory duties including, where appropriate, specialists are used from outside the organisation. This document will be regularly monitored to ensure that its objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes. 1.3a Analyse the main health and safety responsibilities
of: – self
To take reasonable care of their own health and safety and those of any other person who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
I always think very carefully, about the risks of the things I do on a daily basis. For example I took some s/u for a day out to Bournemouth which was a stressful long drive. A car pulled out in front of me and I couldn’t help thinking how awful I would have felt if we had ended up having a crash. If i hadn’t taken the risk of driving the s/u would have missed out on a lovely day that they will remember for a long time.
1.3b Analyse the main health and safety responsibilities
– the employer or manager
To provide the information, instruction, training and supervision required to ensure the health and safety, at work, of employees and others. They need to make sure that risk assessments are in place before staff are allocated to any individual home. To provide protective equipment so staff can carry out their job properly. Training which is so helpful especially when you come up against new situations that you need guidance with. Make sure the working environment is safe.
Also for the employer to be supportive when behaviour changes which they often do and do so quickly, we need to be listened to.
1.3c Analyse the main health and safety responsibilities
– others in the work setting
Employees, service users, contractors and visitors are expected to abide by safety rules and to have regard to the safety of others at the organisation. They should abide by the safety rules and be aware of others safety around them. An example would be when using a tool, they leaveit lying on the floor for someone to trip up on.
1.4 Identify specific tasks in the work setting that
should not be carried out without special training
Giving out medication.
Manual handling.
Control of hazardous substances.
Reporting of injuries.
Fire hazards
Dealing with s/u with emotional problems can be difficult. Everyone with these needs are different and there are usually things you should do and things that you should definitely not do such as cuddle in a certain way ,shout ,not listen too and not give them attention. Sometimes all they want is a little chat over a cup of tea.
Outcome 2 – Be able to carry out own responsibilities for health and safety
2.1 Use policies and procedures or other agreed ways of working that relate to health and safety
In all cases where legislation has an impact on our day to day activities we have forms and books provided to help record any issues that occur in the workplace and have a large amount of supporting information that we can reference when required. This is all supported by yearly re-cap training.
2.2 Support others to understand and follow safe
We carry out risk assessments for all tasks/ activities where the s/u are involved. We make sure that all staff and s/u are aware of any H&S issues based on prepared risk assessments.
2.3 Monitor and report potential health and safety risks
We have forms and books provided to help record any H&S issues that occur in the workplace. It is our responsibility as staff to record any H&S issues immediately or as soon as possible so that any follow –up to the incident can be easily traced.
2.4 Use risk-assessment in relation to health and safety
We use risk assessments to asses all issues and activities where there are potential risks involved. The risk assessment will allow us to determine if the issue or activity can take place and if it does how we can then minimise any risk that has been identified. When we go swimming we make sure that the risk assessment is viewed and then any potential risks can be minimised during the visit. This is the case with all potentially hazardous activities that we and the S/U are involved in.
2.5 Demonstrate ways to minimise potential risks and hazards
Always perform a risk assessment for any activity so as to asses any
potential risks prior to undertaking the activity. Risk assessments can then be kept for others to view and if needed adapted by others to cover particular S/U needs and requirements as they are individual specific. One risk assessment for cooking may be different between individuals based on their individual needs.
2.6 Access additional support or information relating to health and safety
All homes used by S/U have Health & Safety files where the risk assessments are kept and can be easily accessed. They are reviewed on a regular basis and should any additions need to be made they can be at this time or when required. Any new situations that arise can be risk assessed by informing the team leader and an appropriate risk assessment will take place and then be added to the H&S file.
Outcome 3 – Understand procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illness
3.1 Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in own work setting
Trips and falls can occur quite often especially in poor weather. Illnesses such as colds, flu and stomach upsets occur quite frequently. There are also specific medical conditions that we deal with for individual s/u.
3.2 Explain procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur
We limit day to day accidents such as trips and falls by assessing any risks that maybe apparent in our currant surroundings and also potential risks in any places we are due to visit throughout the day. Illnesses such as colds and the flu can be restricted by keeping personal contact to a minimum when required. If staff are ill they should limit their contact with S/U to a minimum as another illness could aggravate any medical conditions the S/UÂ may already have. Any sudden illness or accident must be recorded as per our procedures so that the issue can be followed up if required.
Outcome4 – Be able to reduce the spread of infection
4.1 Explain own role in supporting others to follow
practices that reduce the spread of infection
I must keep personal contact to a minimum to prevent the spread of any illness to myself, other staff and S/U. It is essential that contact between other S/U is also kept to a minimum and i must inform each S/U as to why this contact must be limited. We have a responsibility to help keep all staff and S/U safe from any infections and must risk assess any issues that may lead to the spread of an infection of any type if found.
4.2 Demonstrate the recommended method for hand washing
Wet your hands with hot running water and rub soap between your palms. Rub your right palm over the back of your left hand and then left palm over the back of the right. Rub your palms together again with fingers interlocked. Rub the back of your fingers with your palms. Rub around your left thumb with your right palm and your right thumb with your left palm. Rub your left wrist with your right hand and your right wrist with your left hand. Rinse both hands thoroughly under running water and dry on clean paper towels.
4.3 Demonstrate ways to ensure that own health and hygiene do not pose a risk to an individual or to others at work
Wash hands correctly, if ill with a serious contractible illness do not come into work until risk of spreading infection has gone. Personal hygiene such as clean hair and nails should be observed at all times. Wear gloves where required.
No false nails or nail polish to be worn and jewellery must be kept to a minimum to include large earrings.
Outcome 5 – Be able to move and handle equipment and other objects safely
5.1 Explain the main points of legislation that relates to moving and handling
The main points of legislation are to help an employee or employers are; Avoid hazardous manual handling operations and redesign the task if necessary. Asses those manual handling operations that cannot be avoided (ELITE). Reduce the risk by using mechanical aids.
Review the risk assessment.
5.2 Explain principles for safe moving and handling
Never put your self or any one else at risk when moving or handling items. There are a lot of controversial moves out there that are high risk to both client and carer. Make sure you know what they are and don’t use them.
5.3 Move and handle equipment and other objects safely
If something does not need to be moved then do not move it.
Follow the guidelines and training on how to lift heavy/ difficult items if these items must be moved. Do not attempt to move an item if it is too large or heavy to move without extra help or support. Take appropriate care when handling sharp objects especially in the kitchen which also applies to handling items that may be extra hot or contain hot or boiling liquids. If moving any electrical/sensitive equipment you should always read any manufacturers literature before move the object.
Outcome 6 – Be able to handle hazardous substances and materials
6.1 Describe types of hazardous substances that may be found in the work setting
Cleaning products, toiletries, medication, saliva, urine, sick, bacteria, faeces, coughs and flu type illnesses.
6.2a Demonstrate safe practices for:
– storing hazardous substances
All hazardous substances should be kept in a locked cupboard, the correct way up, at the correct temperature and with the original label printed on it. Access to these locked cupboards should only be given to the appropriate people. Care should always be taken to make sure any hazardous substances are stored according to their own individual storage instructions.
6.2b Demonstrate safe practices for: – using hazardous substances
Care should always be taken to make sure that when using any hazardous substances, instructions of how to use them should always be followed specific to that product. This could include wearing gloves or protective garments to using in a ventilated area and hand washing after use.
6.2c Demonstrate safe practices for: – disposing of hazardous substances and materials
All products must be disposed of in an appropriate manner according to the instructions for that product. For example sharps must be put in an appropriate sharps bin as well as other types of medication. All unused medication must be returned to the pharmacy.
Any cleaning chemicals must be disposed of correctly based on the product instructions.
Outcome 7 – Be able to promote fire safety in the work setting
7.1a Describe practices that prevent fires from: – starting
Store all flammable items correctly as per the manufactures instructions. All electrical goods must be PAT tested on a yearly basis by an approved contractor. All smoke alarms are tested on a weekly basis.
7.1b Describe practices that prevent fires from: – spreading
Cut off all Oxygen where possible by shutting doors and windows where H&S allows. Place towels under doors to help this. Switch off any further potential ignition sources such as gas and electricity by turning off at the meters.
7.2 Demonstrate measures that prevent fires from starting
Make sure electrical devices are used correctly and any items that are damaged or unused are unplugged and stored correctly and repaired or replaced. Do not leave open flames of items that are cooking unattended. Make sure that is a S/U smokes, all matches/cigarettes and lighters are fully extinguished after used and the any hot ash is thrown away only when it has been allowed to cool sufficiently.
7.3 Explain emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work setting
Isolate the fire if possible.
Alert everyone in the building there is a fire and to evacuate the building. Make sure all occupants assemble at the appointed meeting point. Make sure that all occupants recorded as being present at the time of the fire are at the appointed meeting point. Call the Emergency Services.
Make sure anyone in the building is as isolated from the fire as possible by closing doors/ windows etc to stop the fire spreading into that part of the property.
7.4 Ensure that clear evacuation routes are maintained at all times
All evacuation routs must be checked to be clear at all times. House visits take place to make sure this happens. All S/U and staff must be made aware of the evacuation routes and the importance of keeping these areas clear of obstructions. Emergency lighting and exit signs must be checked regularly so as to provide visitors with the most efficient evacuation route out of the building.
Outcome 8 – Be able to implement security measures in the work setting
8.1a Demonstrate use of agreed procedures for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to: – premises
Identification for the person must always be requested prior to them being allowed in the premises. Without identification they will not be given access. If access is required with no ID then head office will be contacted to ascertain if the individual is expected and would only be given access if specific information matched the data held at head office.
8.1b Demonstrate use of agreed procedures for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to: – information
We would check with head office, team leader and other work colleagues as to the identification of the person trying to gain access and their information would also be recorded in the specific diary and communication book for future reference.
8.2 Demonstrate use of measures to protect own security and the security of others in the work setting
All personal data is stored at our head office and not in individual premises that we enter. Some data is present but it is kept in a locked cupboard that can only be accessed by suitable team members. Personal information is never discussed in the presence of external operatives if working in a property and care is taken to keep personal discussions to a minimum when in shops etc. We are always reminded of the importance of confidentiality in our training sessions.
8.3 Explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts
It is essential that others know where I am during my working day particularly as I am a Lone Worker. Any visits outside of the work premises are documented in the diary for the premises. Any changes must be reported and company mobile phones must be carried where possible so that contact can be made if required.
Outcome 9 – Know how to manage stress
9.1 Describe common signs and indicators of stress
Twitching, high anxiety, nervous reactions to everyday things. Headaches and lack of sleep. Excessive sleep and a tendency to feel like vomiting. Person gives the impression that they cannot cope with simple tasks. Negative to wanting to get up and do things.
9.2 Describe signs that indicate own stress
Loss of concentration, panic over simple tasks, loss of memory over trivial issues. General feeling of inability to cope. Easy to aggravate. Will find it difficult to work with others if required.
9.3 Analyse factors that tend to trigger own stress
Children, working extra hours after shift has ended. Having to do work others should have completed. Taking responsibility for other staff member’s mistakes. Having to perform new tasks that maybe on the boundaries of own abilities and training without support.
9.4 Compare strategies for managing stress
This works differently on different people and the side effects can have other consequences to behaviour. Some medication is not instant and takes time to reduce the effects of stress. The issue causing the stress will still be there.
May be complicated based on other forms of medication being used. Medication can have addictive issues attached depending on the type used.
Talking through problems to reduce the cause of the stress is helpful as this tackles the cause of the stress.. Give coping strategies that can help reduce the effects of stress such as breathing techniques and calming music until the issue can be resolved. This approach can take time to resolve issues if not handled correctly from the start but can have a better outcome as the issue is being dealt with and not just the effect. Not all persons involved may participate which can lead to greater stress.