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Encourage children and young people’s positive behaviour

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Policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour

We take great pride in our childcare setting in promoting positive behaviour. This is reflected in many of our policies which are in place. Listed below is a brief summary of some of the policies and procedures in place:

● Behaviour policy – in order for effective learning to take place, good behaviour in all aspects of childcare setting life is necessary. By adhering to this policy we aim to recognise and promote positive behaviour and in doing so will help to promote self-esteem, self-discipline and build positive relationships based on mutual respect. The policy is not only aimed at pupils but to all who are in involved in the school community from parents to governors to staff etc. in order to be able to apply it consistently.

All staff work hard to help children to maintain high standards of behaviour. This is important so that they can use their time in the childcare setting effectively to learn and that learning is not disrupted by others. We actively encourage and promote good behaviour which is rewarded in a variety of ways such as house points, certificates, stickers and praise from other teachers etc.

Children also understand that poor behaviour is not acceptable. Within childcare setting we have a clear set of behaviour consequences such as if a child is disruptive: question them on their behaviour; a warning if inappropriate behaviour continues; a consequence if child chooses not to heed warning.

● Code of conduct – all actions concerning children and young people must uphold the best interests of the young person as a primary consideration. Staff must always be mindful of the fact that they hold a position of trust, and that their behaviour towards the children and young people in their care is important and that they must set a good role model and positive body language towards them.

We promote this by praising them, rewarding them with stickers and certificates when they are showing positive behaviour.

The policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children’s and young peoples positive behaviour covers a range of six sectors these are

•Behaviour policy
•Code of conduct
•Rewards and sanctions
•Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour

Behaviour policy

Is a guideline to all staff on how pupils’ behaviour should be managed. It is important that this policy is constantly being applied to ensure full safety of the pupils; this is why all staff MUST be familiar with this policy.

Code of conduct

Is a set of rules/guidelines for the pupils so they understand how they should behave and what is expected of them. It is important that the children are reminded of the code of conduct so that it becomes their routine and they fully understand it.

It is essential that positive behaviour is always promoted, praised and used as children notice when adults behaviour is out of character, if positive and professional behaviour is continually used it is more likely that the pupils will also behave in that way.

Rewards and sanctions

Although good behaviour is encouraged in schools, children will still behave inappropriately at times.

Consequences for bad behaviour

•Name on the board (sad face)
•Miss time out from golden time, break or lunch play.
•Be sent to the head of year/deputy head
•Be sent to the head teacher and a meeting arranged with parents.

Good behaviour

•Full golden time awarded
•Raffle tickets gained
•Star of the day
•Extra time to choose activities
•Certificates in Friday assembly

All staff can given certain rewards/sanctions however some may be given by a certain member of staff for example, if you behave well you may be chosen to put your name on the deputy heads chart and then at the end of each term a prize is given to those with their names on.

Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour

The schools policy for behaviour will give information on how difficult behaviour should be managed; all children should know what choices they have. If they choose to misbehave they should know the consequences this should help them adhere to the rules. Teachers are prepared for the types of behaviour that may happen within the classroom.


Bullying can happen in many ways

•Cyber-bullying (through mobile phones)

There is a policy that is set out for dealing with any of these incidents inside and outside of the school.


The attendance policy shows how the school monitors and deals with attendance issues.

Attendance is monitored and recorded over a school term; those who have achieved full or very high percentage are rewarded with a certificate and the chance to win a prize. Those with low attendance percentage may require letters being sent home to parents and meeting being set up to see if it could be improved.

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