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System of Inquiry Paper

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The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in refining problem-solving capabilities that organizations already possess for use in business ethics applications. This paper uses a structured, objective format sometimes called a system of inquiry. This assignment is a systematic formalized inquiry into or examination of the code of ethics of an organization and its effects to achieve a specific level of ethical behavior in employees, management, and executives.

Each business should have a framework for ensuring ethical behavior. The structure, format, and scope of codes vary depending on the company’s business. An oil company’s code, for example, would probably have different criteria and emphases than a healthcare provider’s code of ethics. Sometimes, codes of ethics are called by other names, such as an employee code of conduct. A code of ethics, though, should be differentiated from standard good operating practices.

· Evaluation and analysis includes problem solving and behavior in assessing organizational ethics along with decision-making processes. In this case, you are evaluating your own company’s code of ethics, or that of another company if your employer does not have a code of ethics.

· Write a 1,200- to 1,400 -word paper, one not using question-and-answer format, discussing your organization’s code of ethics in detail. Perform the following steps:

o Obtain a copy of your employer’s code of ethics or find an example on the Internet from a major corporation, such as Shell Oil Company’s Statement of Ethics. This is the document upon which to base your inquiry.

o Write a general information paragraph on the company, …

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College can be one among the most wonderful, exciting times in all of life. However, many circumstances could turn this thrilling time into a nightmare. You can garner some useful advice for avoiding the kinds of problems that can waste your time in college by checking out the suggestions provided by the following article.

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