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Monday Morning Leadership

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Monday Morning Leadership

The three most important parts of this book to me where:
1.) “Be A Driver-Until you accept total responsibility- no matter what- you will not be able to put plans in place to accomplish your goals” (p. 25). I never really thought about being a driver and not a passenger being compared to accomplishing your goals, but I can really see how the two would be compared. It makes sense, the passenger is usually looking out the window, playing their phones, and being distract by the little things around them. Being a driver makes you be responsible and take control of your actions or goals.

2.) “Do Less/Work Faster-Your time is your responsibility. Take control of your time so you can take control of your life” (p. 70). By being a teacher it always seems as though there is not enough time to do what is expected of us in the hours that we are in school. I know I sometimes bring work home just so I won’t get behind. I could see how finding small increments of time could help me work faster and I could have more time to teach and to tutor my students.

3.) “Live In The Learning Zone-Get out of the comfort zone, read 10 minutes a day, listen to people, give back, set goals, stay positive” (p. 93). I absolutely love this statement, I need to make a banner of these words just to remind me that I should live by them everyday! I strongly belief that a leader makes an environment, if the principal is negative then most likely the staff probably will be too. Which will in turn affect the students and their school success.

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