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Project Scope Statement

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This section is typically a detailed amplification of the project SOW and mission from the Project Charter. This also includes how you intent to accomplish the project. “We intend to do this. . . and here are the steps we intend to use to accomplish the project.” This section is typically a detailed amplification of the SOW product description from the Project Charter. What will the product of the project look like or what should it be able to do when completed?

Project Deliverables
What are the tangible outputs or services of this project? What big-picture items will have to be created or performed in order to accomplish the statement of work? These are the deliverables to be found in the WBS.

Project Objectives
What are the cost, schedule, and quality objectives of this project? Project Assumptions
What are the assumptions on which the project is based?
Project Constraints
What are the major limiting factors that affect the project? Exclusions
What are the boundaries of the project? What is to be included and what is to be excluded from the project? Acceptance Criteria
What must the product be able to do when completed to be acceptable to the customer? What standards or regulations must the product meet? What performance specifications must the product meet to be acceptable to the customer?

Technical Requirements
How should the product work? What features should it have? What functionality must it have?

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