Impaired skin integrity

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Order NowImpaired skin integrity related to scrubbing the back of arms as evidence by rough and dry skin on the posterior side of upper arms.
L.C.R. has bumps on the back of her arms. She admits to” using a luffa to the back of her arms to keeping the pores open.” Writer noticed that she also has dry skin that is rough, dry and little pustule bumps that are irritated.
Readiness for enhanced spiritual being related to desire for enhanced satisfying philosophy of life as evidence by expressing wanting that connection with spiritual leaders
L.C.R. states that she remembers going to church as a little girl with her family. Being Roman Catholic she states that they do not require you to go all that often. With her busy dance schedule and other family activities she states that they are not able to go very often and she misses it.
At risk for decreased or damaging eye sight related to not using sun protection for eyes when in bright lights or sun exposure.
L.C.R even admits that she needs to use eye protection when out in the sun. Her father was even in the passing and making jokes about how she needs to wear and “not just because they are cool.”
Goal: Inform patient about the benefits for using eye protection.
Have parents encourage her to wear sun glasses when outside.
Buy sun glasses that block out 100% UV rays
Educate patient and parents on symptoms of worsening eye sight from sun damage. Squinting, dry eyes, and headaches.
Wellness plan
Given L.C.R is a very active lady she needs to think about things and apply herself. Writer also took the time to educate the parents on the importance of health check and prevention. The writer went over the risks and concerns or using such an abrasive cloth to scrub her arms. L.C.R was encouraged to see provider for the rash. Educated L.C.R on not using harsh soaps on the skin and to quit scrubbing with a luffa as to not cause any more skin damage until seen by a provider (Jarvis, 2015).
For the spiritual well-being L.C.R was encouraged to speak with her parents about attending church more often. Wad educated on the new apps that they have on phone and how they can be like having church in your pocket. Also educated on that they are online broad casting on many websites that she can watch when she has the time.
L.C.R. agrees that eye protection is very important. Writer showed her pictures of eyes that are damaged due to over exposure of the sun. Also that she does not need eye glasses now but over exposure can change that. The risks are very high. L.C.R agrees that she needs to get sun glasses. Writer educated her on having more than one pair and that she can place them in different places as to remember to put them on. Also making sure that they are UV resistant (Rick Daniels, Leslie Nicoll ,2011).
Rick Daniels, Leslie Nicoll (2011) Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing. Retrieved from
Jarvis, C. (2012). Physical Examination and Health Assessment,7th Edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Orhto Info (2015) Calcaneus (Heel Bone) Fractures. Retrieved from