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Why aren’t the top skills matched to the main problems?

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18. Project managers must be generalists rather than specialists. Yet, team members need to have more specialized, technical skills. Can a generalist manage a team of specialists effectively? Answer: Yes, the generalist must oversee many functional area, such as finance, engineering, contract, planning, manufacturing, procurement and quality. Although a management generalist does not typically have the level of knowledge in any one area that a team of specialist does, the generalist’s basic knowledge of wide variety of subjects allows him to seek out information more easily, because he knows what needs to be done, when must it be done, and how are the resources required to do the job to be obtained. A management generalist will not have the responsibility of developing specialized knowledge himself, he just needs the ability to put many pieces of task together to form a coherent whole, which means synthesis. And in order to manage the team effectively, the PM must have the responsibility of keeping the project on time, within budget, and up to specifications. What is more, they only have the skill of communication, organizational, team building, leadership and coping technological can manage the team effectively.

21. Suppose you have a talented scientist temporarily working for you on a client contract who is due to be transferred back to her regular job. Although you could do without her efforts at this point of the contract, you happen to know that she will be laid off for lack of work at her regular job and her personal financial situation is dire. You feel it is important that her talent be kept on the company payroll, although keeping her on the contract will increase expenses unnecessarily. Is the transfer decision a business decision or an ethical one? Why? If the decision were yours to make, what would you decide?

1. What primary characteristic distinguishes the very successful project managers from the more mediocre project managers? Answer:  Firstly, the successful project managers always have aggressiveness, confidence poise, decisiveness, resolution, entrepreneurship, toughness, integrity, quick thinking and so on, but mediocre project manager at not good at them. Secondly, a successfully manager are well understanding the critical problems which face them and are prepared to deal with them. What is more, successful manager requires a set of particular attributes and skills, such as communication skills, organizational skills, leadership skills, coping skills and technological skills. However, the mediocre managers are always lack of these skills. 2. In Table 3, match the rankings between skills and problems. Why aren’t the top skills matched to the main problems? 3. In Table 1, which of the problems are related to project setup (perhaps occurring before a project manager was selected) and which are related to the project manager’s skills? Answer:

1. Here are problems which relate to project setup:  the resources inadequate which was the issue most frequently mentioned as causing problems in managing a project .Meeting deadlines, which is also significant.  Unclear goals, which is difficult to plan the project efficiently.  insufficient planning lead to mistakes in allocating the resources needed by project managers ⑤conflicts between departments or functions were also linked to earlier problems of poor goal-setting and planning. 2. Here are problems which relate to project manager’s skills:  Breakdown of communications which were often referred to as “inevitable”  Team members uncommitted which related to the team building skills.  Changes in goal and resources is also a significant problems in leadership skills.

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