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Utilization of Coffee Berry in the Production of Egg white-based Hair Gel

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  • Category: Coffee

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Hair gels are one of the hairstyling product that we people use nowadays. It is indeed effective and useful, but artificial hair gels with chemical preservatives may harm our hair. In addition to, hair gels are also used for hair treatments but hair nourisher nowadayas are too dangerous because of the chemicals added and preserved on it. Consequently, we thought of using natural hair gel using the combination of egg white and coffee berry.

There are only three main ingredients used in this study, coffee berry, egg white and calamansi scent. Coffee Berry is a genus of flowering plants whose seeds, called coffee beans, are used to make coffee. It is a member of the Rubiaceae family. They are shrubs or small trees native to tropical and southern Africa and tropical Asia. Egg white is the common name for the clear liquid contained within an egg. Egg white consists primarily of about 90% water into which is dissolved 10% proteins.


Generally, this study aims to produce a non-toxic and beneficial hair gel with no preservartives added on it. Specifically, this study aims

a. To verify the advantages and disadvantages of using hair gels. b. To attest how coffee berry and egg white benefit not only with styling purposes but also with hair nourishment. c. To show and substantiate the easy way of producing hair treatment. d. To produce a cheap but wholesome and nourishing hair gel. e. To help and aid people with hair problems.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study sought to determine the answer of what are the benefits of using coffee hair gel. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following:
a. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using commercial hair gel and coffee hair gel? b. What is the importance of using coffee hair gel?
c. What is the major contribution of coffee berry in the egg white based hair gel?

d. What is the relation of coffee berry, egg white, and calamansi to our hair? e. What is the difference between the modern day hair gel to our own coffee hair gel? f. What are the components and nutrients of this coffee hair gel for it to be non-toxic, cheap and healthful? g. How can this help and aid people with hair problems?

Hypothesis and Assumption

If we use the bean of the coffee (commonly known as the coffee berry) along with the egg white and the calamansi scent, then maybe we will be able to produce a hair gel that would be beneficial and can provide nourishment to our hair.

Scope and Limitations

This study focused on the benefits of using coffee berry and egg white as hair gel. The respondents of the study were composed of students and citizens randomly interviewed. This study is limited to the used of other coffee parts as one of the main ingredient. This is only focused on the use of coffee berry and egg white.

Significance of the Study

The study focused on the good effects and benefits of using coffee hair gel. Moreover, the results of the study will be beneficial to the following: Respondents. The respondents will have an awareness on how to deal with choosing the right and accurate hair gel. Teachers/Mentors. The result of the study will help the teachers/mentors provide encouragement to think of ideas that will give proper guidance to the students/mentees.

This may also increase their competency. Parents. The result of the study will help the parents of the respondents feel secured because there are products that will not harm their children. (referring to teenagers who often use hair gels) Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve as a reference material and a guide for future researchers who wish to conduct the same experimental study or any study related to coffee hair gels and other coffee products.

Definition of Terms

Genus – a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia. (Wikipedia, 2002) Rubiaceae – are a family of flowering plants, variously called the coffee family, madder family, or bedstraw family. (Wikipedia, 2004)

CHAPTER 2 – Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter includes the foreign and local review of related literature and the foreign and local review of related studies.

Coffee Berry

Our study is all about coffee hair egg-white based hair gel. One of its component is the coffee berry. According to Lee Daniel Crocker, “Coffea or what you called coffee berry is a genus of flowering plants whose seeds, called coffee beans, are used to make coffee.” It is a member of the Rubiaceae family. They areshrubs or small trees native to tropical and southern Africa and tropical Asia. Coffee ranks as one of the world’s most valuable and widely traded commodity crops and is an important export product of several countries. ” (Wikipedia, November 2001)

According to VDF FutureCeuticals, “Coffee berry is a registered trademark suggestive of a line of proprietary, patented, antioxidant-rich products dervived from the whole fruit of the coffee plant, Coffea Arabica.” The fruit of the coffee bush is the glowing red fruit that contains the bean. Until now, growers had to throw away this fruit because it was too perishable to process, and harvested only the bean. The fruit of the coffee bush is the glowing red fruit that contains the bean. Until now, growers had to throw away this fruit because it was too perishable to process, and harvested only the bean.” (VDF FutureCeuticals, Inc.) Why is it good for me?

Because coffee berry is loaded with phenolic acids and healthful plant nutrients. Recent scientific discoveries about the benefits of healthy coffee compounds have explained the wisdom in native peoples’ use of the whole coffee fruit. Our proprietary line of coffeeberryÂź whole coffee fruit products are exceptionally rich in the antioxidants called phenolic acids. They also contains other nutrients that have benefits scientists are just beginning to study and understand. The story of how our coffee berry products get there goodness begins on the slopes of high-altitude volcanic mountainsides. Nourished by mineral-rich soil and warmed by intense tropical sunlight, coffee plants produce a profusion of wonderful bright red fruit.

Our coffee berry products are so exceptionally rich in antioxidants because they are made from coffee fruit grown at high altitude, low-latitude regions where the sun’s rays are strongest. As the plants mature, they develop these powerful antioxidants to protect them from damage caused by high doses of the sun’s radiation and the natural byproducts of photosynthesis. (VDF FutureCeuticals, Inc.) According to Mark Perry, “Coffee is delicious but do you know that coffee has a beauty secret. It can actually make you beautiful. It cannot only delight your day as you start your everyday activity but can also give you a lot of skin benefits.

One of the best benefits that every person can get by drinking their daily dose of coffee is having an antioxidant, coffee are full of antioxidants. On a daily basis it is recommended to drink at least 2 to 3 glass of coffee. It can also reduce the risk of having some disease such as cirrhosis of the liver, colon cancer, gallstones, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. Because of these benefits, can you imagine the goodness it can give if it is use for your skin? One of the most interesting benefits of having coffee is in your hair. Several spa uses coffee berry as protein treatment for hair. This protein treatment has a coffee ingredient. Since coffee is full of antioxidants, it can actually neutralize the chemicals that can damage your hair.

Remember that coffee should not be directly applied to hair as colorant or treatment because it can create an adverse effect. Coffee is applied as a mixture and not as directly as it is. If you really want to use coffee at home, you can brew your coffee and apply it on your hair and let it sit for at least 20 minutes for a more soft and shiny look. Coffee can also be a perfect combination to treat dark eye circles together with vitamin K. it is a proven effective ingredient to neutralize the purple effect of circles under your eyes.

You can now eliminate dark eye circles brought about by stress and lack of proper sleep. Coffee is known to be a vasodilator and it can reduce the puffiness under your eye. It can reduce the size of the blood vessel under your eyes. You can use eye creams together with coffee and apply it under your eye, but do not apply coffee as it is on your eye.” It also has a wonderful benefit for your skin because it can lighten and brighten you skin. It also has anti inflammatory factors and you can use the coffee as a body scrub even at home. Caffeine can tighten your skin that is perfect to reduce occurrence of wrinkles and skin sagging. It is also by several spa treatment centers as an overall facial treatment. It can firm cellulite and reduce skin pigmentation.

Coffee can really makes a person beautiful. Aside from making your day brighter, you can also brighten up your skin by using coffee as a beauty secret and regimen. It is good to know that there are a lot of benefits that people can get on their cup of coffee. It is a very good beverage that people enjoy every day but you can also use your coffee to treat many skin conditions as you enjoy a cup of coffee every morning. Make your skin glow and bring back the beauty of your skin by having a coffee mixture. (Health Guidance for better health Organization)

In accordance with the article of Louise Tremblay, he mentioned that, “Healthy hair and regular hair growth relies on a number of factors, including vitamins, minerals, and the presence of other nutrients. Medications, genetics, nutritional deficiencies, and underlying diseases and disorders can all negatively affect your hair. Caffeine, a naturally-occurring compound found in several plants, might have a beneficial effect on your hair follicles to promote healthy hair.” Cycles of Hair Growth. The condition of your hair, as well as your hair length, is determined by the health of your follicles and your hair growth cycle.

Each hair follicle contains a population of progenitor cells, capable of assembling hair shaft tissue, to ultimately support hair growth. During the initiation phase of hair growth, the cells begin to manufacture a new hair shaft, which continues to grow throughout the elongation phase of the hair cycle. After a predetermined period of hair growth–which can range from days to years, depending on the type of hair follicle–the hair remains static within the follicle, then eventually falls out. Defects in the initiation, elongation or shedding phase of hair growth can all lead to hair disorders. Caffeine and the Hair Cycle.

Caffeine has the ability to interact with your hair follicles, helping to guide your follicles’ behavior and regulate hair growth. A study published in the “International Journal of Dermatology” in 2007 found that the presence of caffeine stimulated laboratory-cultured hair follicles, increasing hair growth. As a result, caffeine might help to restore hair growth, or prevent abnormal hair loss. However, the clinical effects of caffeine on promoting hair growth have not yet been thoroughly investigated. Caffeine Absorption. There are several ways to expose your hair follicles to caffeine, to potentially stimulate hair growth.

Caffeine consumed via food and beverages enters your bloodstream, and eventually reaches your hair follicles. In addition, your hair follicles can absorb caffeine directly via topical application of caffeine-enriched shampoo, according to a study published in “Skin Pharmacology and Physiology” in 2007. This might allow doctors to expose your hair follicles to a high dose of caffeine, without causing the side effects that can occur due to high-dose caffeine ingestion. As a result, hair products containing caffeine might represent treatments for hair loss, if caffeine eventually develops into a drug therapy for alopecia. Possible Implications in Cancer Therapy.

Preliminary studies have identified caffeine as a possible treatment for hair loss, which might have implications in the treatment of other diseases. Many cancer patients receiving radiation therapy suffer hair loss, due to damage to the hair follicles by the radiation. A study published in the “Journal of Radiological Protection” in 2002 found that treating laboratory mice with caffeine helped reduce hair loss following radiation treatment. Although further research into the effect of caffeine on radiation therapy-induced hair loss in humans requires further investigation, caffeine might eventually help prevent hair loss due to some cancer therapies. (Live Strong, July 28, 2011)

According to John Owenns, “A coffee bean is a seed of the coffee plant. It is the pit inside the red or purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Even though they are seeds, they are incorrectly referred to as ‘beans’ because of their resemblance to true beans.” The fruits – coffee cherries or coffee berries – most commonly contain two stones with their flat sides together. A small percentage of cherries contain a single seed, instead of the usual two. This is called a peaberry. Like Brazil nuts (a seed) and white rice, coffee seeds consist mostly of endosperm.

The two most economically important varieties of coffee plant are the Arabica and the Robusta; 75-80% of the coffee produced worldwide is Arabica and 20% is Robusta. Arabica seeds consist of 0.8-1.4% caffeine and Robusta seeds consist of 1.7-4% caffeine. As coffee is one of the world’s most widely consumed beverages, coffee seeds are a major cash crop, and an important export product, counting for over 50% of some developing nations’ foreign exchange earnings. The United States imports more coffee than any other nation. In 2009 the average person in the United States consumed 4.09 kg (9 lbs) of coffee.

According to Aden Williamson, eHow contributor, “Statistics vary, but the general consensus is that baldness affects around half of all males by age 50. There is a massive market for treatments to slow or prevent baldness.” Recently, scientists have been looking into natural treatments, including caffeine. Several research groups, for instance the Department of Dermatology and Allergology, at the University of Jena, in Germany, have published data showing that caffeine is a powerful treatment for male pattern baldness.

Tests done include taking hair samples from biopsies and treating them in vitro with concentrated levels of caffeine. The results have been positive and were published in the International Journal of Dermatology in 2007. Despite what some may think, a coffee or energy drink addiction will not suffice to stimulate hair growth. It is estimated that 60 cups of coffee per day would be required for the caffeine to begin affecting hair growth. Application of a caffeine treatment will be topical. Research is being done on various possible consumer products boasting a caffeine hair growth treatment, including caffeinated shampoo and a spray-on caffeine developed for female baldness. (eHow Style, 2010)

Egg White

According to Theresa Knott, “Egg white is the common name for the clear liquid (also called the albumen or the glair/glaire) contained within an egg. In chickens it is formed from the layers of secretions of the anterior section of the hen’s oviduct during the passage of the egg. It forms around either fertilized or unfertilized egg yolks. The primary natural purpose of egg white is to protect the yolk and provide additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo (when fertilized). Egg white consists primarily of about 90% water into which is dissolve 10% proteins (including albumins, mucoproteins, and globulins).

Unlike the yolk, which is high in lipids (fats), egg white contains almost no fat, and carbohydrate content is less than 1%. Egg whites contain just over 50% of the protein in the egg. Egg white has many uses in food (e.g. mousse) and also many other uses (e.g. in the preparation of vaccines such as those for influenza). (Wikipedia, November 2003) In accordance with the article of Ashley Henshaw, “Because eggs are a staple in many American refrigerators, they are a convenient home hair treatment.

Egg whites are particularly useful for treating oily hair and giving it a lighter, healthier appearance. Try this technique once every two weeks and watch as the look and feel of your hair improve.” Function – Egg whites are an excellent way to treat oily hair, says the website Mother Nature Network. Unlike egg yolks, which have fat and proteins better suited to moisturizing dry hair, egg whites are full of bacteria-eating enzymes that get rid of unnecessary oils. Both egg whites and egg yolks can be used to shampoo normal hair types, according to the Alberta Egg Producers website.

Time Frame – Mother Nature Network reports that a hair treatment consisting solely of egg whites may be used once every two weeks. For mixtures combining egg whites and egg yolks, one treatment per month is sufficient.

Benefits – Egg white mixtures reduce the amount of unwanted oils in the hair. This leaves the hair feeling lighter and looking cleaner between shampoos.

Considerations – Be cautious of salmonella when working with eggs. The Incredible Edible Egg website reports that bacteria in an egg are more likely to be in the whites than the yolks. Wash your hands thoroughly after working with the egg white mixture and avoid any contact with your eyes, nose and mouth during the treatment. (Live Strong, June 14, 2011)

According to Buzzle Articles, “Eggs are high in protein and are highly vulnerable to bacterial growth in a short span of time.” The egg has a natural protective coating that protects it from the attack of bacteria like Escherichia, Klebsiella, Yersinia, Salmonella, etc. If not handled or processed properly, they reach the consumer with all such contaminants. This is why egg handlers at poultry farms are asked to wash eggs, as per the guidelines given to them. Proper washing before packing reduces the chances of microbes entering the eggs, when they are cracked for consumption.

However, the washing process removes the natural coating, which is why mineral oil is sprayed on the egg to protect it from bacterial growth. One should ideally pick up the eggs from a supplier who has a high turnover. The expiry date on the egg carton should be checked before purchasing. In the US, the date mentioned is the one on which the eggs were packed. The number is written from 1 to 365, where 1 means 1st January and 365 means 31st December. According to the USDA Agricultural Research Service scientists in Athens, GA, the shelf life of eggs comfortably extends the recommended sell-by-date on the retails cartons, if stored correctly. Uncooked eggs – When properly refrigerated, uncooked eggs (in shells) typically last for 4-5 weeks, without any significant loss of quality.

However, the point to be noted is that this period of 4-5 weeks pertains to the moment since the eggs are laid and not from the time, when they make it into the refrigerator. To be on the safer side, it is best to store eggs in their shells for not more than 3 weeks. If you are using cold storage to store eggs, the eggs should be used within the next 2 weeks. In case of storing only the raw egg white, one can safely refrigerate it for up to 4 days.

To store egg yolk, make sure the unbroken raw yolks are covered in water and stored in a tightly sealed container. In this manner, the egg can be stored for up to 2 days. One way to test the freshness of eggs is by carrying out the water float test. Place all the eggs in a vessel filled with cold water. The eggs that sink to the bottom of the vessel are fresh eggs, the ones that tilt slightly are the slightly older eggs and the ones that float are the rotten eggs. (Buzzle, 2009)


According to Wikipedia, 2004, “Citrofortunella microcarpa, the Calamondin or Calamanzi”, is a fruit tree in the family Rutaceae native to the Philippine Islands and has been dubbed the calamondin, golden lime, panama orange, chinese orange, acid orange, calamonding, or calamandarin in English. It is believed to originate from China and has spread throughout Southeast Asia, India, Hawaii, the West Indies, Central and North America.[2] The plant is characterized by wing-like appendages on the leaf stalks and white or purplish flowers. Its fruit has either a spongy or leathery rind with a juicy pulp that is divided into sections.

The fruit is indigenous and widely cultivated in the Philippines (Tagalog: calamansi or kalamansĂź (kɐlɐmɐnˈsÉȘʔ); Visayan: limonsito or simuyaw), Calamansi is available year round in the Philippines and is usually seen in its unripened state as a dark green fruit, but if left to ripen it turns a tangerine orange color. Calamansi Juice is not just a refreshing drink but also gives us healing wonders and other uses that we can benefit from. Calamansi is very popular in the Philippines with a scientific name of Citrofortunella microcarpa has medicinal uses, for laundry purposes and food uses.

As for medicinal purposes: After having your shampoo, the juice of Calamansi will be applied to eliminate the itchiness and it is also proven to promote hair growth. It can also be used to banish itchiness and irritation during insect bites. It also lightens freckles and also person having pruritic vulva. It is usually taken as cough remedy and helps in expelling phlegm.

The roots of Calamansi are also given to pregnant women after giving birth. It is also used by many as body deodorant, even if you perspire during any activity, it is assured that it will not give out bad odor. Calamansi is considered to be a good source of Vitamin C that helps us to have strong immune system. It is also believed to lighten the dark areas in the body like armpits, groin area and elbow. Therefore, it is recommended to store Calamansi in our kitchen in order to achieve the different health benefits and other benefits that this Wonder fruit will give us.

Instant Coffee

According to Cassandra James, “A few months ago, I commented on how pretty a Thai friend’s hair was and that’s when she told me she colored it with coffee. Coffee has been used for centuries as a hair dye and, in some cultures, is still used more often than over-the-counter chemical hair colorants, as it’s cheaper and not damaging to your hair. Being one to always like to try something new, I decided I’d color my hair with coffee. After all, it’s a natural product, safe, cheap and, if my hair looked as shiny and healthy as my friend’s hair, I’d be thrilled. From my first try coloring my hair with coffee, I’ve been hooked and now do it weekly without fail. Plus, it’s so easy and cheap to do, anyone can use it.”

Hair Gel

According to Neal Litherland, “Hair gel is a popular product for controlling a person’s hair and maintaining the look she wants. However, not all hair gels are the same, and different varieties will offer different results. Organic hair gels may work best for delivering nutrients to your scalp, whereas more synthetic hair gels may offer styles that wouldn’t be possible without a strong hold. What benefits a person gets from hair gel will depend on what gel she uses and what that gel is formulated to do.”

Control – The main benefit of using hair gel in the first place is that it gives you control over your hair and your hairstyle. Whether you’re putting your hair up into foot-long Liberty spikes (only the toughest hair gels will allow you to get away with this) or you just want to maintain a loose, fresh-out-of-the-shower look, the proper hair gel will allow you that sort of control. Without gel, your hair will dry and do whatever it would naturally do; whether that’s curl, frizz or just hang limply depends on the person. The proper gels open up the field and let people access different styles.

Nutrients – Some hair gels, particularly those that are organic, may offer benefits beyond strong hold and an attractive look. These hair gels can be fused with organic herbs that will soak into both your scalp and your hair, providing both with nutrients that they may not be getting either because of too much exposure to chemicals or because you just aren’t getting those particular vitamins in your diet. These gels may be of a particular help to those who have dry scalp or lank hair that could use some nutritional infusion.

Color – There are some hair gels that also offer temporary color. These are mostly used for parties, concerts or other similar events since the color that they provide is both temporary and not as natural looking as genuine hair dyes might be. However, for those who may not be able to dye their hair permanently due to professional obligations, or for those who are curious what they’d look like with different color hair before they try a more permanent option, these gels may be a way of finding out. They work as a try-before-you-buy option.

CHAPTER 3 – Methodology

This chapter includes selection of sample, method of sampling, instrumentation, revision of the instrument, validation of the the instrument, and statistical treatment of data.

Selection of Sample

The researchers chose through stratified sampling. Stratified sampling is a probability sampling technique wherein the researcher divides the entire population into different subgroups or strata, then randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the different strata.

The reason why we chose this kind of sample is because stratified sampling offers several advantages over simple random sampling: a. A stratified sample can provide greater precision than a simple random sample of the same size. b. Because it provides greater precision, a stratified sample often requires a smaller sample, which saves money. c. A stratified sample can guard against an “unrepresentative” sample (e.g., an all-male sample from a mixed-gender population). d. We can ensure that we obtain sufficient sample points to support a separate analysis of any subgroup.

Method of Sampling

‘Strata’ means ‘layer’. A stratified sample is made up of different ‘layers’ of the population, for example, selecting samples from different age groups. The sample size for each layer is proportional to the size of the ‘layer’.

So we look at what fraction of the whole population do we want. Then take that fraction of each layer. The formula is:

x = nN l
x = Sample size for each layer
n = size of whole sample
N = size of population
l = size of layer

To show how this works, go back to the survey in which 50 pupils in a department of a 175 pupils were asked about coffee hair gels.

There are 54 students in year 7 – this is the size of the layer. There are 175 pupils in the department – this the size of the whole population. You want answers from 50 people in total – this is the size of the whole sample. So we want 50/1000 of the population, so for year 7 we want 50/175 of 54 = 15

You could write a similar calculation for each year in the table below: Year| Number of pupils|
7| 54|
8| 55|
9| 66|

The proportion of pupils from each of the other year groups would be as follows: Year| Number of pupils|
7| 50/175 × 54 = 15|
8| 50/175 × 55 = 16|
9| 50/175 × 66 = 19|

Since, there are two sections each year. The surveys were given proportionally. For year 7, 15 questionnaires were distributed. 7 questionnaires were given to Grade 7 – Wisdom (4 females and 3 males) while 8 questionnaires were given to Grade 7 – Knowledge (4 females and 4 males) For year 8, 16 questionnaires were given distributed. 8 were given to Grade 8 – Counsel (4 females and 4 males) and 8 questionnaires were also given to Grade 8 – Piety (4 females and 4 males) For year 9, 19 questionnaires were distributed. 10 for Grade 9 – Understanding (5 females and 5 males) and 9 for Grade 9 – Fortitude (5 females and 4 females)


For our intrumentation, we made a questionnaire as our main gatherer of data. To collect as much as data that we need. Its a research intrument that has corresponding questions which also matches up our objectives located in chapter 1. Our questionnaire is a Yes or No type accompanied by choices for the correspondent to answer it easily. These surveys are one of the most important things in constructing a thesis. This is the time for the correspondent to respond to the following questions that is asked. This is also for the reaserches to gather or to know the opinions of the correspondent about our product.

Validation of the Instrumentation
A. Pre-Testing

For pre-testing, the researchers made a draft of questionnaires to be given to 100 repondents. This is done so the researches will know what to do and what to add in a new set of questions to improve the questionnaire. Before giving the questionnaires to 100 respondents, first the questionnaire is thoroughly checked by the subject teacher to fixed the flaws in the questionnaire. After checking, the correction that has been made will be revised in the questionnaire.

B. Revision of Questionnaire or Instrument

The questionnaire has been revised, its brief and substancial. It is a five item questionnaire and a yes or no type that matches up our objectives and for the respondents to answer and to see if can have a positive answer from them. This is for the researches to gather data and see if the respondents will respond positively or negatively to our product. The questionnaire is given to the High School Department of Mater Dei Academy.

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