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The Cultural Diversity Training Program

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This case study involved a human resource teacher by the name of Dr. Jennifer Barnes and her University’s Cultural Diversity Training. While looking forward to attending an ongoing educational class on diversity training, she was very disappointed with her University only giving knowledge on ethnic group of people. Dr. Barnes was gratified with the poor education being taught on Cultural Diversity Training. Cultural Diversity should be taken very serious; it can become war if handled lightly. In order to have a successful and positive organization of people, the people must respect each other thoughts and opinions. Diversity training has to be practiced and preached as well as supervised under all circumstances.

Employees need to be educated on understanding the growth of diversity training. This can cause employees to shy away from themselves and others because they cannot be themselves around others. “Increasing culture sensitivity is one step toward improving cultural diversity. It obtains better knowledge and empathetic of countless racial-ethnic groups, to develop ethnically relevant counseling strategies” (Sue, 2001). After evaluating the training program used by the university to encourage cultural diversity consciousness.

My suggestions for improvement: According to Lai and Kleiner (2001), an organization should conduct the following steps to build a strategic cultural diversity-training program: I do not see anything wrong with focusing on a area that seeks a issue. According to the scenario, 60% of the community is black, but only 15% of students and 4% of faculty is black (Nkomo, Fottler, and McAfee, 2011). While this seems to be their main focus the university needs to stress, the different phases of diversity such as gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, and more. I would recommend the program to be more forceful towards being interactive; such as group discussions leadership training, role-play, small group discussion, brainstorming, and interrogative (Lai & Kleiner, 2011).

The possible inconveniences of disregarding it as an issue could cause “discrimination and harassment lawsuits” (Mathis et al., 2014). According to Lai and Kleiner (2001): By applying these steps, diversity training can inform employees with ways to increase individual, work group, and organizational efficiency through a better appreciation and understanding of the value added by diversity and difference.


Mathis, R.L., Jackson, J.H., & Valentine, S.R. (2014). Human resource management (14th ed.). Stomford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Nkomo, S.M., Fottler, M.D., & McAfee, R.B. (2011). Human resource management applications: Cases, exercises, incidents and skill builders (7th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western. Reference Belfield EdD, L. D. (2014). Cultural Diversity: Imagine All the People. Kaplan Higher Education. Retrieved from: http://www.kaplanuniversity.edu/public- service/articles/cultural-diversity.aspx.

Fort Hays State University (n.d.). Definition: Cultural Diversity. Fort Hays State University. Retrieved from: http://www.fhsu.edu/diversity-affairs/what-is- diversity/.

Human Rights Commission (2014). Ten Steps to strengthen our cultural diversity: The New Zealand Diversity Action Programme is a citizens‘ initiative, and operates on a partnership principle. New Zealand Government. Retreived from: http://www.hrc.co.nz/race-relations/te-ngira-the-nz-diversity-action-programme/ten-steps-to-strengthen-our-cultural-diversity/.

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