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Stable and Hyperturbulent Environment

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1. Explain the teams“Renewal”and “ Organization Renewal” 1.1 What implication does organization Renewal have for managers today?

Renewal: The act of renewing or the state of having been renewed. Example: Badminton club membership is up for renewal when is the renewal date of the contract.

Organization Renewal: Change your company to created advantage environment to compare with your competitors, renewal is reacting to change before it is too late, because the environment is changing, the company also need to change to cater to the environment

2. Constant is Change: it changes slowly for the employees adaptive for the changing.

3. The Model of Adaptive Orientation:

4. Organization as a system: Because all company department dependent to each other, all department work as one system to dependent on each others.

5. Horizontal Organization: It no more hierarchical organization command and control, flat structure of organization and management of basic core process to create and deliver the product or service. Form has been used in all kinds of organization and considerable measurable success.

6. Closed system and Open system: Closed system only output to customers, doesn’t care customer’s feedback about product, doing business or provide product without understand customer requirement or environment. Open system: react with customers, understand environment and requirement of customers, they care feed from environment.

7. Sociotechnical system: Open system, organizational development realizes the interaction between the people and technology in the workplace. The term also refers to the social complex infrastructure and the interaction.

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