Speech of A Running Treasurer

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Order NowBeing of service to my school and to the society is one of the reasons why I decided to run for treasurer. Ever since, I have always wanted to serve through the use of my abilities as an Accountancy student. Â So, running for the position of treasurer in our Accounting society, I thought, was one of the opportunities for me to serve that purpose. And as an accounting student in this school, I would like to be able to help by, if given the chance, performing the best of my abilities as a trustworthy, dependable and responsible treasurer.
Primarily, my duty will be to assist the President and the other officers in all possible ways, especially with regards to accounting of money or funds. This will include collecting and keeping safe applications and membership dues from the members throughout the entire quarter. Roped in my responsibilities is the proper compilation of Excel spreadsheets with the names of the members, along with the dues listed whether they have paid or not, the accompanying receipt numbers, and the method of payment. In addition, I will be responsible in handing over to the secretary input information from the Excess files, and the new applications every after out meeting, which is weekly.
I have already had experience with regards to accounting. I have a lot of experiences with different industries. Specifically, for your guidance, I have already worked as a bank teller before at _________(Name of the bank)_________. For me, this will serve as my foundation in being able to serve you and my society as a treasurer.
The very first moment that I stepped into this school, I felt I was a stranger in a strange place with strange people, almost all of whom I do not know. From Asia, I migrated to the United States four year ago, and there I was, an alien in a foreign world. However, from that day one, I kept in mind this is going to be my home. This school where I am in is going to be my sanctuary, and my future friends and schoolmates are those who will, or will not, make this a memorable stay for me. Nonetheless, I thought, it all depends on me, and how I will spend every single day in this school, either being an incompetent and risk-averse student, or one who can make a difference. And I chose the latter.
So if you may, give me the opportunity to serve you, this school, and our society. However, this is not only up to me. So, help me make a difference.