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Race: Power of an Illusion

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In The Power of an Illusion, people are sectioned by distinct groups of black, white, yellow, etc, which is endowed by our psyche. In essence, the idea of race as biology suggesting that a belief in race is no more sound than believing that the sun revolves around the earth. However, race is still an issue. Basically, race is real and accounts for many subjects such as anthropology, sociology, American history, and cultural studies. In this film, all the student were asked to write down who they thought would be the most genetically different from them and who they thought would be the most genetically similar to them. Most of them answered based on the physical appearance but at the end of the experiment all of them were shocked once the results were revealed.

I can clearly recall this dark-skin color woman to be genetically alike to a light-skin color guy. Also, one Hispanic girl came up to be genetically similar to an Asian girl. All these results made me realize that there is no scientific proof of “race”. Race is just a world that describes the culture of a group. Also, I remember this really annoying kid saying that in some way or another, he feels that being white is an advantage in life. I think this kid didn’t get the message or the point of the whole experiment. This experiment was to show people that we all come from one common ancestor who probably was from Africa. So, I don’t get how this kid thinks that being “white” is an advantage in life. That comment made me quite upset.

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