Positive Behaviour

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Order Now1.1 Explain how the policies and procedures of the work setting contribute to the support of childrenâs positive behaviour.
In my setting (First Steps Playgroup) the policy for positive behaviour states that good behaviour and discipline are essential to ensure a smooth and safe environment for everyone. Staff and students must be aware of this policy and understand the importance of their own role in promoting positive behaviour. Our policy not only covers the behaviour of children but also the behaviour of adults in the setting. Below are the main points of our behaviour policy:- At all times we must act as a good role model by showing consideration, respect and good manners to and for others, especially the children, by showing what is appropriate behaviour and giving good eye contact and body language. Be positive, constructive and fair to all children, treating all children the same.
When a child shows positive behaviour is it very important to praise and reward them. We will always lay out activities that are age appropriate and encourage sharing and taking turns. If a child is hurting others or behaving in an unsafe manner we will intervene in a calm manner. There are boundaries in place that adults must follow to show the children what behaviour is acceptable and what is not. Staff should be able to differentiate between deliberate and accidental incidents. Staff must be aware there may be underlying problems when unacceptable behaviour occurs. We will endeavour to work with parents and carers to promote and encourage acceptable behaviour. Under no circumstances should a child be smacked, shaken, humiliated, ridiculed, threatened or left in isolation. This is grossly wrong, against the law and would cause the child harm, to feel unsafe and undervalued.
Encouraging positive behaviour can have a big impact on children and young people in terms of their social skills, personal development and their education. Creating a positive environment in early years can help the children to make friends, understand how to behave appropriately in different situations, have strong self-esteem, self-confidence and be able to understand boundaries and why they are necessary. When a child behaves positively we praise them using a friendly cheery tone, smiley face and open body language, saying well done, excellent, good boy/girl or similar phrases. If a child exhibits positive behaviour that we have not seen before or is consistently being helpful, kind and respectful we will reward them with a sticker telling them how good they have been and this will give them a sense of pride. Certificates can be given, but are usually kept for when a child reaches a particular goal such as sitting and eating nicely at snack time when ordinarily they would not.
Children should be treated as individuals as they all progress at different rates. We must ensure that all children are treated fairly, so throughout the course of a day all children should be told âwell doneâ for something and throughout the week all children should receive a sticker for something positive and all children should receive at least one certificate throughout the year. This will make them feel good about themselves and will ensure no one feels left out. When itâs time for the children to go home, if a child has shown excellent behaviour they will be called first to line up and upon meeting the parent/carer we will inform them of how good their child has been. If a child shows challenging behaviour we must give them the opportunity to reflect on their actions. We will explain to them in a simple way what was unacceptable and ask them if they understand what they did and why it was inappropriate.
We correct inappropriate behaviour by acknowledging it in a calm fair way, showing them the correct way to deal with situations being consistent and being good role models. If the challenging behaviour is persistent it will be discussed confidentially with the parent/carer at the end of a session and recorded in an incident book to be signed by the parent/carer. In a few cases a behaviour management strategy for an individual child may sometimes be necessary if they exhibit extreme challenging behaviour. We will closely observe and record any inappropriate behaviour, when it happens, under what circumstances and if necessary call upon the help of other agencies. 1.2 Explain the importance of all practitioners consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for childrenâs behaviour.
Boundaries and rules are vital for the smooth and safe running of the setting. All staff should be aware of how to safeguard and discipline children in accordance to their settings policy. If adults fail to follow the policy they are breaking the law and children may become confused, if we are not consistent, receiving mixed messages about how to behave and they may struggle to understand what is expected of them. This could have a detrimental effect on the childâs development and future life and could result in challenging behaviour. If the policy is followed we will adhere to the rules consistently and without prejudice. All adults and children in the setting will know where they stand and exactly what is expected of them.
Children will learn to understand right from wrong, consequence, to be kind, to have good manners and to gain someoneâs attention by positive behaviour and in turn receive positive attention. Self-esteem, confidence and social skills are all promoted if boundaries and rules are adhered to. We must understand that each child is different and by following the policies each child will be treated the same and fairly and will be given equal opportunities which will make them feel valued, safe and will give them a good sense of self-worth. Behaviour can have a significant impact on a childâs development and on their later life relating to their social skills, education and, later on, employment.
1.3 Describe the benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour to the child; other children in the work setting and carers.
There are many opportunities to encourage and reward positive behaviour and the benefits of this are very important. Rewarding positive behaviour doesnât just affect the child who is being acknowledged but also children and adults around them. The child:
They will feel good about themselves, and will want to show more positive behaviour to receive more positive attention and token rewards. Their self-esteem and confidence will be lifted too.
Other children in the work setting:
They will see and hear how the child in question is rewarded and will inevitably want praise and token rewards too. All children like attention, so when they see another child getting attention for positive behaviour they will want to copy so they can receive the rewards and praise themselves. Carers:
Parents and carers like positive feedback and love to know their child is being nurtured and rewarded for good behaviour. Telling parents/carers about their childâs positive behaviour means that the child will get praised again by them. Everyone likes to think that their child is well behaved and may discuss with other parents about their child being rewarded for positive behaviour. Parents talking to one another about their childrenâs positive feedback from the setting will sell your services to others. Praise is a valuable tool for parents who want to send their child to a setting because parents love to know their child is being treated positively.