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Police Violence And Racism In America

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 I am nervous to be in any situation, where I will get pulled over by a police officer and ave to consider feeling as though survival is the key. I am fearful for not only my life, but my friends and family lives. As a young African American coming from a majority black neighborhood we without a doubt think that our race is being targeted in these adversities. We stand by “black lives matter,” because we as a society must take action for our life, and the lives lost through police brutality. The police brutality that has been witnessed by law enforcement has fueled racial disparities. In the African American community we reckon that black lives do not matter to police. We believe the next victim that comes in contact with an officer and loses their life may be a black American. For example, Eric Garner was killed when a NYPD officer placed him in an illegal chokehold. 

A young man my age by the name, Michael Brown, was unarmed, but was shot and killed by an officer. Oscar Grant was unarmed and cuffed, but was shot by an officer who claims he thought his gun was his taser. Christopher Harris was shot and announced dead after he was mistaken for another suspects description. These passings have sparked a movement in many communities. We as a society must just try to prevent law enforcement. We can not guarantee that this will never happen again, because some police officers actions are uncalled for. The U.S. can not continue to allow those with hate in their heart protect our citizens. The survivors of these brutalities say, “they have been shocked, tased, beaten to death, and even have had a plastic bag placed over their head. Could you imagine. Stepfather, we can not watch anymore news on another black live being lost through the hands of an officer. I would hate to see a situation like this hit close to home.

In conclusion, police brutality is an unfortunate issue. I would like to send my sincere condolences to all those black lives lost that ended in a confrontation with a police officer. As for the families we understand nothing will ever be able to fill in the void you feel in your hearts. We need this acknowledged so justice can come to pass. Stepfather, you must arise to these difficult situations to change the law. Something must be done to stop this nonsense. So, we do not have to lose any more loved ones. I will never understand, why is it that bad things happen to good people? There is a long line in history where police brutality has occurred, yet we are all human beings. All of our lives are precious. This trend of of police brutality must be stopped. Stepfather, you must ask yourself, what is really going to stop this from happening again? We must change how cops think or else we will be marching forever.  


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