Personality Reflection
- Pages: 4
- Word count: 830
- Category: Personality Psychology
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Order NowPeople come in many shapes and sizes. Some are big some are small, some are fat and some are tall. People have many similarities. Unless one is born deformed of physical body parts, we all have a head, two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, a neck, a back, a pair of shoulders, two arms, two hands with four fingers and a thumb each, a waist, two legs and two feet with five toes. So physically, we are basically the same. What makes us different from one another is the personality inside of us. A personality is the way one shows one’s identity of who he or she is.
The way I would define personality would be by the characteristics one shows in different situations. For instance, in an emergency situation, how does one act? Is the person acting calmly displaying clear thinking, or is the person’s personality more of a panic nature displaying unclear thinking. Another example is the way one continuously acts in a social environment such as work or social gatherings. The repeated character one displays in the two environments help sum up one’s personality on whom he or she is.
Some key personality traits that define who I am are calmness. When confronted with most situations, I calmly analyze the situation to find ways to overcome the situation. Another personality trait that defines me is introverted. Although I may not be categorized as shy, I am reserved when meeting new people and meeting in new social environments. I am the type of person who likes to analyze new people before I open up to them and show them who I am. The same goes for social environments. Some people can attend a social environment and immediately start talking and holding conversations. I on the other hand, will attend a social function, study the audience, and maybe stay withdrawn if I do not feel at ease at the social event. Likeable is another trait that defines my personality. I am the type of person that is easy going and I greet people with a smile. The persona I give off lets one know that I am approachable and trustworthy.
Some people view me differently than I view myself. One reason is because I am introverted to a certain extent. If I do not know or am not at ease with a person I meet or know in the workplace or social gathering, I will not truly reveal who I am to that person which in turn causes that person to come up with preconceive notions of who I am. I do that to protect my identity of who I am, and to protect my privacy.
Some people personalities are consistent, but I find that my personality changes according to the situation. As mentioned above, when I attend a social function where I feel like a stranger, I am withdrawn and introverted. I tend to analyze the people and situation and maintain the privacy of who I am. If I attend a social function where I know the people or I attend the social function on frequent occasions, then I am not withdrawn and at times can be mistaken for being extroverted. The reason is I am in my comfort zone and am not concerned with revealing who I am.
If I were to take a personality test, it would probably reveal that I am introverted and extroverted. The test would reveal that I can easily get along with others and am sociable when I am in my comfort zone. The test would also show if I am not in my comfort zone, then I am withdrawn and quiet. I still think the test would conclude that I have a normal personality.
A personality test would have to be reliable and valid if the test is to help identify the personality traits of one. The test would have to ask “yes and no” questions such as “Do you like attending social gatherings?” The test would have to ask situation questions such as “How do you act alone compared to the way you act at a social function?” The results that the test would render would have to be based on historical data that was collected and proven valid in order for the personality test to be considered legitimate.
Personalities are a way in which one identify oneself and the way one identifies oneself with others. Some people are aware of who they are show confidence that they like who they are. Other people may or may not be aware of who they are and are withdrawn so people can not find out who they truly are. Whatever the case, a person’s personality is his or her signature of identity. They will be many people who fall into certain categories or groups because of the way they act. However, one’s personality is the fingerprint of who he or she is.