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People have become overly dependent on technology

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The world has changed a lot in making new things. Having the Computers, Phones and the latest gadgets that the things we used to make our life easier and to satisfy what we want. Many people admit they cannot survive one day without gadgets. We are very dependent on technology. We even rely on those gadgets just to entertain us on occasions. But we need to continue to progress with the latest systems but we have to make sure that we are able to survive with the system. Technology makes life faster, easier and smarter. If people consuming the technology are physically fit and have enough skills, and talent to improve then there’s no problem at all. Technology can improve us and to become more effective but the negative result can also makes us lazy and dependent. By the time it can sometimes act as a device of destruction in our life.

The simplest example is internet. It is very useful because we can find every single information about anything that we want to search and find. But the destruction and backup of a society also takes place due to wrong use of this technology. For me even I used a lot of gadgets or more advanced technologies can handle things right because technology is not the problem. It is the way that we use it. If we just used it as a tool instead of as a way to escape reality then all is fine. It depends to the people who will over used it or to the people that can manage their time and life to make it easier.

Yes we are dependent on technology but we used technology and gadgets for lots of useful things such as keeping up with news, emailing people for connecting and working, and having a complete office with you every day. For me communication is important to keep us on what is the happenings. We need technology to survive within our new modern world and to do our task and live a happy life. Even though technology can destroy us I think we can solve that in managing our time our life and to set some priorities and goals in life.

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