Notice, Agenda, Minutes

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- Word count: 5569
- Category: Corporation
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Order NowThis report is prepared as a requirement of BBA program on the course of Business Communication (BUS 202). This report focuses on Notice, Agenda, and Minutes
The total report can be divided in to three broad head. The introduction part includes backgrounds, objectives and methodology of the study. This part also includes the limitation of the study.
In second part which is main part of the report. We have discussed about the overall idea of Notice, Agenda ,Minutes .The second part includes definitions of Notice ,Agenda ,Minutes; example of Notice ,Agenda, Minutes etc.
In the third part, we have given that we are findings in notice, agenda, and minutes
In final part, we have tried to analysis the report and make recommendation. We also draw a conclusion on the above analysis.
Chapter – 01
1. Origin of the Report
The report is based upon the Notice, Agenda , Minutes The report will definitely benefit me in the area of Business Communication & increase the knowledge of other student to know about the notice ,agenda ,minutes . 1.2 Objective
Try to know about the Notice ,Agenda ,Minutes that will help business people as well as the student of how successfully manage to their customers. 1.3 Scope
As I am preparing the report on Notice ,Agenda ,Minutes, so it is very easy for me to collect all the related information , which will be required for preparing a report. Also I am gathering real life working experience . That will help me develop my future career . 1.4 Methodology
Sources of Information :
All the necessary data collected to be used in preparing the report are taken form secondary sources. I collected all the collection related secondary data form the journal published by Notice, Agenda, Minutes. I also collected information form audit report of the university. 1.5 Data Collection
Only secondary data are used for preparing this report .But the research was mainly based on the information collected from journals ,publication , website of the Notice, Agenda, Minutes.
6. Limitations
Many of the analysis on the obtained data are based upon my sole interpretation .For this reason there might be some biases, as lack of knowledge and depth of understanding might hinder us to produce an absolutely authentic and meaningful report. Time constraint was another limitation restricting this report from being more detailed or analytical.
Chapter – 02
Body of the
2.1 Notices :
Usually the rules of procedure of every organization clearly state the notice period required for calling a meeting-both general body meetings and meetings of smaller groups such as Governing Body Executive Committee, Finance .You should ensure that the notice is circulated to members within this time If a body has no such prescribed rules see that the notice reaches members within reasonable time before the meeting. The notice must be sent to all those who have a right to attend, that is, to all members in the case of a general body meeting and to all members of the group(Committee, Board of Directors etc) in the case of group meeting. The day, date,time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted, if finally decided, should be mentioned in the notice. The items of business may be mentioned in the notice itself if their number is small, otherwise they should be listed in a separate sheet and attached to the notice as Annexure.
2.2 Requisites of a Valid Notice
A valid notice must fulfill the following conditions :
1. It must be signed by the issuing officer.
2. Definite day ,date ,time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted if finally decided, must be mentioned. 3. It must be specific and unconditional.
4. It must be circulated as per the rules of procedure of the concerned organization. 5. It must be circulated within reasonable time fixed by the rules of procedure of the organization.
An example :
Raja Cement Industry Ltd. Daulatpur,Khulna
February 15,2000
A meeting of the Board of Director of the company will be held on Wednesday,22nd February,2000 at 3,40 p.m at the registered office of the company at 25, Punch Bibi Road,Daulatpur to review the prevailing market conditions and to refax the selling price rate of cement in that light.
Kamal Pasa Secretary To Members of the
Board of Directors.
Issuing public notices is a routine affair with companies.Sometimes,as in the case of the annual general body meeting of the shareholders of a company, it is a statutory requirement to issue a notice. Sometimes notices have to be issued about the termination of the services of some employee and warning the public in general against dealing with him. Loss of equity shares, opening and closing of public issue are also notified through the press. Caution notices are given in respect of violation of trade marks.
Since issuing these notices is a formal, paid affair they have to be kept simple, brief and clear. The specimens given below will illustrate how to draft them.
2.4 Example of Public notice
Example 1 : A notice about a meeting of the Board of Directors of a company.
28 Najafgarh Road , New Delhi
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Wednesday , the , 28th May , 19 .. at 4 p .m at the Registered office of the Company at 28 Najafgarh Road ,New Delhi to consider, approve and to take an record the unedited half-yearly Financial Results for the period ended 31st March , 19 …
For and an behalf of the board
M.P. Jain
Managing Director
New Delhi
5th May, 19 …
Example 2 : A notice about the general meeting of the members of a company. CIMMCO BIRLA LIMITED
Regd. Office : Birlanagar, Gwalior – 474004
Pursuant to clause 41 of the listing Agreement , Notice is hereby given that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held at New Delhi on Friday, May 30, 19 … to inter alia, taka on record this unedited . Financial Results of the Company for six months ended March 31, 19
Place : New Delhi
Date : May 8, 19
Example 3. A notice warning the public against dealing with a particular person.
This is to inform the General Public and our customers that Mr. Rahul Vohra, Assistant Manager (Mktg .) is no more working with Regent Automobiles Ltd. Anybody dealing with him will do so on his own risk . Sad /- General Manager REGENT AUTOMOBILIES LTD
A-2A , Green Park , New Delhi-110 016.
Example 4 : A caution notice against violation of Design Act and Copyright Act .
Notice is hereby given that my client EXCEL STRAPS PVT . LTD . , of plot 25 , sec 21 A, Faridabad , hold exclusive copyrights under the Designs Act 1911 and the Copyright Act 1957 in the above shown show cabinets and part thereof .
Information has been furnished to my clients that some persons in Baroda and Hyderabad are violating my client’s action will be taken soon.
Manufacturers and traders , in general , are hereby warned that violation of my client’s right will be strictly dealt with in accordance with law.
S . K. Shukla , Advocate Pragati intellectual Property Service
1873 , Chira Khana , Delhi – 6
A tender is a written or formal offer to supply goods or do a job for an agreed price. Companies have often to invite tenders to fill in their requirement or get certain jobs done at completive rates. Tenders are always submitted in sealed covers by a specified time and are accompanied with earnest money to deter unscrupulous people who might make an offer only to spoil others chances. They are then opened at a specified time, offers are compared and jobs are assigned.
Organizations inviting tenders must include the following details :
• The qualification of the people who will be responding to the tender. • Time and date by which the tender must be submitted.
• The designation / name of the authority to whom the tender has to be submitted. • Exact nature of the job / If goods are to be supplied, specifications / description /quantity of the goods .These details are of great importance . • Approximate cost / expenditure involved .
• Earnest money to be deposited.
• Cost of the tender.
• Address form whose details about the tender can be obtained.
• The time at which the tenders will be opened.
Example 5: A tender notice for the supply of certain goods and for some job work.
2.6 Example of tender notice
Sealed tenders are invited from the manufacturers / authorized dealers up to 3.00 p.m. on 12-05-97 in the office of the undersigned for the following items. The tenders shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 p.m.
S.No.Item Quantity Approx Earnest Cost of Amount money
1.Supply of :
(a)Laboratory equip As per
mint for post-graduate BOQ
(1)Environmental Science -do- 70.00 1.40 150.00 (2)Information Sciences -do- 75.00 1.50 150.00 Computer Application
(3)Modern Audio-Video -do- 10.00 0.20 100.00 Teaching aids
2.Construction of :
(1)Two bore wells -do- 1.00 0.02 100.00
The detailed terms and conditions and quality can be obtained from the office between 10.00 a.m. to p.m. on all working days after 22.04.97.
(A.S.Sharma) Finance Officer
2.7 Definition of Agenda
Agenda is an office list of things to be done or dealt with at a particular meeting .It is drawn up by the Secretary in consultation with the Chairman . At the meeting the business is normally transacted in the order in which it is listed in the agenda .When the following elements: 1) Name of the organization / group and the dairy of circulation. 2) The day, date, time and place of meeting .
3) The programmed of business to be transacted.
4) Signature of the Secretary.
If the agenda forms part of the notice, only the business to be transacted is indicated because other details will already be there in the notice.
Generally, the first item on every agenda is confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting, and the last item in every agenda is confirmation of the chairman. Other item are usually arranged in their order of important and routine matter put toward the end. Each item is numbered .If the meeting is one of a series, each item may bear the number of the meeting also as shown below ; 22.01
And so on
In the above example 22.01 will show that it is the first item on the agenda for the twenty second meeting of the group .It makes reference at a later date easier .The practice in some organizations is to indicate also the time when each item will be taken up at the meeting as shown below: A . M.
9.00Minutes of the previous meeting.
9.10Purchase of a new projector.
9.30Appointment of an assistant secretary.
9.45Date of the annual meeting.
10.00Any other matter with the permission of the
This helps the group to keep to the schedule and to cut down meaning and irrelevant discussions. Further ,the members get an idea of how much time they will have to spend at the meeting . It is , however , difficult to always estimate precisely the amount of time needed for the deposal of an item and hence this practice is not popular . At the meeting items are discussed in the order in which they are listed in the agenda. General , the first item of every agenda is the confirmation of the proceeding of the previous meeting. There after it is better to put routine items on which agreement will be easy ,following by all other items .
2.8 Example of Agenda
|An example : | | | |Department of Management | |Rajshahi University | |Date……… | |An ordinary meeting of the academic committee will be held on…. | |AGENDA | |Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting . | |Preparation of an Academic Calendar . | |Distribution of Courses . | |Formation of Different Committee . | |Any other business (with the permission of the chairman). | |Date of next meeting. | |M .K. Matin | |Chairman |
Sometimes the agenda is prepared after the circulation of the notice in order to enable the members to get included in the agenda any item that they would like to be discussed at the meeting .Occasionally , if the chairperson and the secretary do not want the members to know the items to be discussed , the agenda is not circulated .
2.9 Preparing agenda is a very useful practice
• If it is circular in advance, it helps the members to come prepared for the meeting . • Since agenda has a set order, it helps the chairperson to conduct the meeting smoothly. • It ensures that only matters relevant to that particular meeting are discussed. • It ensures that every point is properly taken up for discussion. • It facilitates the preparation of the minutes.
2.10 Minutes
Minutes are the official record of the proceedings of a meeting. All organizations, whether commercial or social, attach great importance to maintaining. Once minutes are approved and signed, even a court of law accepts them as evidence of the proceeding. In case of joint stock companies, it is compulsory for them to maintain minutes of the proceedings of every general meeting and the meetings of the Board and its committee. Minutes must be precise. They do not offer a verbatim report of the proceedings. The main object of writing minutes is to record, concisely and accurately the essential work done at a meeting. Minutes usually show, beyond any doubt, what was formally resolved or decided upon and not what was said. We can compare minutes to a précis than to a long narrative.
|An official record of the proceedings of a meeting. | |A concise and accurate record of decisions and resolutions. |
2.11 Types of minutes
Minutes are of two types:
1) Minutes of resolution, and
2) Minutes of narration.
Minutes of resolution:
In this type of minutes, only the resolutions passed at a meeting are recorded and no reference is made to any discussion preceding the resolutions. No mention is made even of the movers and scolders of the resolutions. Minutes of narration:
Minutes of narration are somewhat similar to a report. Here, in addition to the resolutions passed, a brief account of the discussion and the voting pattern is also included.
The usual practice is to write minutes of resolutions.
Minutes may be recorded either in a tabular (block) form or in the form of continuous paragraphs. Both the forms are illustrated below. • Minutes of resolutions: only resolutions recorded.
• Minutes of narration : a brief account of discus-soon also
• Presented either in tabular form or as continuous paragraphs.
2.12 Maintenance of minutes books
Every company is required to maintain minutes of the proceedings of every general meeting and every meeting of the Board and its committees. Separate minutes books are maintained for different kinds of company meetings. Entries are made in the minutes book within thirty day of the conclusion of a meeting. The pages of the minutes book are consecutively numbered. Writing the minutes on a loose piece of paper and then pasting it in the minutes book is prohibited.
2.13 Indexing of minutes :
For easy location of any particular decision, minutes are usually numbered and a subject index is maintained at the back of the minutes book .Only special decision, likely to be referred to future are indexed. There is no need to index routine items .
#The minutes should contain the names of all those who are present and the capacity in which they are present. 2.14 Signing of minutes :
Signing of minutes is an essential safeguard against tampering .It is desirable that each page of the minutes book is dated and signed by the chairperson of the meeting(or any person authorized to sign).The last page of the minutes of each meeting must be signed .
2.15 Hints on the writing of minutes :
1. Minutes of each meeting must have a heading containing the nature of the meeting (annual general meeting ,extraordinary meeting ,board meeting etc)
2. The date ,time ,and place at which the meeting is held should be mentioned .
3. In the case of general meetings of the company as well as board meetings, it is usual to give the number of meeting .
4. Each item in minutes is numbered and given a brief heading.
5. While writing minutes ,no reference should be ,made to the feelings of the persons preset . The tone of the minutes should always be impersonal. Reported speech should be preferred and as far as possible ,passive verbs should be used .
6. Dates and figures should de precisely and clearly mentioned in the minutes . if a reference is made to certain letters or repots , their numbers and dates should also be mentioned .This eliminates the possibility of ambiguity and misunderstanding.
7. If a special resolution is to be passed by a given majority, this fact should be entered in the minutes . in fact ,the minutes should record the number of those in favor and those against the resolution.
8. The secretary should go on taking notes when the meeting is going on. If a clarification is required ,it should be immediately sought. the work of writing the minutes should be undertaken as quickly as possible after the conclusion of the meeting ,so that on important facts are forgotten.
9. Its is advisable for the secretary to show the rough draft of the minutes to the chairperson and get his /her approval. This will do away with the possibility of having to make any alteration later if the proceedings are incorrectly recorded .
10. The language of the minutes should kept as simple as possible unnecessary adornments should as a rule be avoided
2.16 Specimen Agenda and Minutes of various Board Meetings. 1. Specimen minutes of the first board meeting (Tabular from) Jaipur International Traders Limited
Minutes :
Of the first meeting of the board of Directors held on Wednesday, The 13th July, at 3P.M at the registered office of the company at 20, Kalbadevi Road, Mumbai.
Shri H.S. Rawat
Shri M.K. Dafari
Shri T.K. Yadav Directors
Shri M.S. Solanki
Shri H.L. Desai
In attendance :
Shri Surinder Kumar Khanna, Secretary
Shri Sanjay Jain, Solicitor
No. Of Subject of Details of Minutes
Minutes Minutes
1. Chairman of Meeting Shri H.S. Rawat was unanimously
elected Chairman of the meeting .
2. Chairman of Company Resolved: “That shir H.S. Raswat be ,
and he is hereby appointed Chairman
of the Board and of the Company” .
No. Of Subject of Details of Minutes
Minutes Minutes
3. Incorporation and Shri Sanjay jain, The solicitor of the appointment of company, produced certificate of Incorporation dated 30th June 19… and reported that all the directors present (being persons named in the articles of association as directors of the company) had signed usual acceptance of office and the agreement to take the necessary qualification share s. He further reported copies of both the documents together with the consent of directors had been duly filed with the registrar of companies, Maharashtra state. 4. Appointment of Resolved : “That shri surinder Kumar
Secretary Khanna, The secretary protem of the company, be and he is hereby appointed secretary of the company at a salary of Rs. 8,500 pre month, the appointment to be terminable on three months’ notice on either side and that a n agreement embodying these and other terms applicable to company’s officers be drawn up accordingly” 5. Appointment of Resolved : “That Messrs . Sanjay and
Solicitors Company , Solicitors, Kalbadevi Road, Mumbai, be and they are hereby appointed solicitors of the company. 6. Appointment of Resolved “That the Punjab National
Bankers Bank, Kalbadevi Road Branch, be and they’re herby appointed bankers to the company and that the secretary be and he is hereby authorized to open n an account with the said bank Resolved : That all cherubs drawn on behalf of the company and all acceptances in its name be signed by two directors and countersigned by the secretary, that cherubs payable to the company be endorsed on company’s
No. Of Subject of Details of Minutes
Minutes Minutes
Behalf by the secretary alone and that a copy
of this resolution together with the specimen signatures of shri M.K. Dartari and of shri surindrs Kumar Khanna, Secretary , be furnished to the Bankers”. 7. Prospectus The solicitor produced a drafter of the proposed prospectus to be issued inviting applications for shares , and it was resolved that the draft prospectus as prepared and initialed by the Chairman for identification be approved and it be pointed forthwith, filed with the registrar of Companies, issued to the public and advertised twice in Hindustan Times , The Times of India and the Hindu, All arrangements as to the printing and issue to the prospectus being left in the hands of the Chairman and the Solicitors . 8. Quorum Resolved : “That three directors
shall constitute a quorum at the Board meeting” 9. Seal Shri Surinder Kumar Khanna, Secretary, Produced designs and estimates for the Common Seal of the company. Resolved “That design No. 6.Submitted by Messrs Kanitkart and Company, be approved and that the secretary be instructed accordingly to order the seal of the company”.
10. Next meeting The next meeting of the Board was fixed to be held on Wednesday, the 27th july,19. at 4pm. Dated : July 18,19..H.S. Rawat Surinder Kumar Khanna Chairman Secretary
2. Minutes of a subsequent Board meeting (Tubular form.)
Reddy and Jagdale Limited
of the Board meeting held at the registered office of the company at 12, Bazaar Road, Nasik on 20th October , 4pm.
Present :
Shri. K.D. Reddy (in the Chair)
Shri. M.C. Reddy
Shri. P.L. Jaghale
Shri. B.K. Reddy
In attendance :
Shri. S.K. Das Gupto, Secretary
No. Of Subject of Details of Minutes
Minutes MinutesMinutes
21. Minutes of theThe minutes of the previous Board
Previous meeting meeting held on October 15,19..were read out by the Secretary and confirmed by the meeting .
22.Casual Vacancy Resolved : “That Shri M.H.
Shinde be and is hereby appointed a Director of the company to fill up the vacancy caused by the resignation of Shri S.M . Shinde, Director, Due to ill health, and that Shri M.H. Shinde Shall be entitled to all the facilities and amenities extended by the company to other directors and that his term of office as director shall continue until the next annual general meeting of the company.”
23. Share transfer Resoled : “That a Committee
consisting of Shri P.L Jaghale and Shri B.K. Reddy ,directors be and is hereby appointed for the purpose of share transfers and transmissions in terms of the Articles of Association of the company”.
24. Export of Indian handicrafts Resolved: “That a Committee consis-ting of Shri M.C. Reddy and Shri P.L Jagdale, Directors and Shri S.K. Das
No. Of Subject of Details of Minutes
Minutes MinutesMinutes
Gupta , Secretary be and is hereby appointed for exploring the possibilities of exporting Indian handicrafts to the States and cither western Countries” 25.Next Meeting The next meeting of the Board was fixed for 27th October 3pm. at the registered office to the company.
Dated. October 23,19..K.D. reddy S.K. Das Gupta Chairman Secretary
2.17 Statutory Meeting
Every company is required to hold a meeting of the members of the Company called a statutory meeting within a period of not less than a month and not more than six months from the date on which the Company is entitled to commerce business. At least twenty-one days before the day of the meeting the directors have to send to every member of the company a report called the statutory report containing (a) the total number of a hares allotted, distinguishing the shares allotted as fully or partly paid up (b) the amount of cash received for such shares; (c) an abstract of the receipts and payments up to a day within seven of the date of the report (d) the names, addresses ad occupations of directors, auditors and secretary of the company, and (e) the particulars of any contract which is to be approved or modified at the meeting. The statutory meeting is held to give the shareholders an opportunity to low the financial position of the company and know and discuss its prospects .
Specimen agenda of a statutory meeting
1. To read the notice convening the meeting .
2. The Chairman to explain that the meeting is held in compliance with Section 165 of the companies act, 1956. 3. The Chairman to inform the members that a list of the members is ready for inspection during the course of the meeting . 4. To read the statutory report .
5. The Chairman to explain the position of the Company and to make a statement of the statutory report. 6. A vote of thanks to the Chair.
Agenda and Minutes of Meetings
3. Specimen minutes of a statutory meeting
S.M Mahadevan and company Limited
Minutes of the statutory meeting of the Company held at the Registered office of the Company on Monday, the 11th April, 19… 2 p.m. Present:
Shri M.K. Dastoor in the Chair
Shri G.K. Menon
Shri T.B. MunimDirector
Shri S.M. Patel
Shri P.L. Sampat and 40 shareholders as per attendance book.
In attendance:
Shri R.S. Daruwala, Secretary
Shri M.A. hash mat, Solicitor
1. Notice of the meeting
The secretary read the Notice date 10th March 19 ….. Convening the meeting. 2. Chairman’s remarks
the Chairman reported that the meeting was convened in compliance with section 165 of the Companies Act, 1956. 3. List of shareholder
The Chairman told the members that a list of the shareholders had been put on the notice board of the Company an was open to inspection during the course of the meeting. 4. Statutory Report and Chairman’s address
The Statutory report was then taken up. The chairman reviewed the activities of the Company since its incorporation and referred to its financial position and business prospects. He also invited discussion and questions on the Report which were satisfactorily answered. 5. Approval of modifications of contract
After the discussion on the Repot, a shareholder moved that the modifications in the contract between the Company and Messrs. Mehta Bros refereed to in the Report be approved, Accordingly, it was Resolved: “That the modifications in the contract between the Company and Messrs, Mehta bros, as stated in the statutory Report be and are hereby approved.” 6. Adoption of Report
It was then moved that the statutory Report as presented be approved. Accordingly, it was unanimously Resolved: “That the Statutory Report be and is hereby approved.”
7. Vote of thanks
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.
16th April, 19M.K. Dastoor R.S. Daruwala
Chairman Secretary
18. Annual General Meetings
Every company is required to hold a general meeting at least once a year. The ordinary business transacted at an annual general meeting includes: (a) consideration of accounts, the balance sheet and the reports of directors and auditors, (b) declaration of dividend, (c) election of directors in place of those who retire, and (d) appointment of auditors and fixing their remuneration.
Apart from this ordinary business, if the articles permit, the Company can transact some special business also at this meeting.
2. Specimen agenda of annual general meeting.
1. To read the notice convening the meeting and the report of the auditors. 2. The Chairman to suggest that the Directors Report and Accounts issued therewith be taken as read and to move resolution for their approval and adoption. Shri……to second the motion. . 3. Shri……to move a resolution recommending a dividend of Rs. 15 per equity share, subject to income-tax and Shri…. to second the motion. 4. Shri…….to move a resolution for the re-election of Shri ……. as director and Shri …… to second the resolution. 5. Shri ……… to move a resolution fro the re-resolution of Shri …… as director and Shri …… to second the resolution. 6. Shri …. to move a resolution for the re-appointment of Messrs ….. as Auditors of the Company at a fee of Rs. 10,000 and Shri …… to second the motion. 7. Shri ……. to propose a vote of the thanks to the chair. 4. Specimen Minutes of and Annual General Meeting
Bangalore Chemicals Limited
of the Fourteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company held at the Registered Office on Saturday, the 15th October 19…at 4 p.m. Present:
Shri Ajit Halder, Chairman of the Board in the chair
Shri Topas Majumdar
Shri G.M. Thakur
Shri Vinyak Deshpande Directors
Shri Mohan Chandan
In Attendance:
Shri Rakesh Dayal, Secretary
Shri A.K. Pradhan, Solicitor
and 125 shareholders, whose name are given in the attached list. 1. Notice of the meeting and the Auditors’ report
The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting and the report of the auditors of the accounts. 2. Directors’ Report and Accounts
The Chairman suggested that the Directors report and the accounts issued therewith be taken as read. In his address, he referred to the all-round progress made by the Company. He outlined the diversification projects of the Company and expressed the hope that the Company would continue to do satisfactory business during the period to follow. He moved “That the Directors report and Accounts as audited by the Company auditors now before the Meeting be and are hereby approved and adopted.”
Shri G.M Thakur Seconded the Motion. It was put to vote and carried unanimously. 3. dividend
Shri Mohan Chandan moved “That a dividend of rest. 15 per equity share, subject to income tax as recommended by the Directors be and is hereby approved and the said divided be paid to the Shareholders whose names stood on the books of the Company as on 6th December, 19…” Shri Topes Majumdar seconded the option and it was unanimously accepted. 4. Election of directors
Shri Tapas Majumdar moved and Shri G.M. Thakur seconded the following resolution: Resolved: “That Shri Vinayak Deshpande, the retiring director of the Company being eligible for re-election be and is hereby elected director of the Company. This resolution was unanimously adopted.
Shri Topas Majumdar moved and Shri Mohan Chandan seconded the following resolution. Resolved “That Shri M.S. lamba, the retiring Director of the Company, behind eligible for re-election be and is hereby elected director of the being eligible for re-election be and is hereby elected director of the Company.” This resolution was also unanimously adopted.
5. Appointment of Auditors.
One ht motion of shri Ajit haldar seconded by shri G.M. Thakur it was resolved: “That Messrs. Suneja and Pradhan, the retiring auditors be re-appointed as auditors of the Company form the conclusion of this
Agenda and Minutes of Meetings
meeting until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting at a fee of Rs. 10,000. 6. Vote of thanks
The meeting terminated with a cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman and the Board of Directors moved by Shri G.M. Thakur and seconded by Shri Vinayak Deshpande to which the Chairman suitable responded and declared the meeting closed.
19th October, 19….Ajit Haldar Rakesh Dayal
Chairman Secretary
Chapter – 03
3.1 Findings
After studying Notice ,Agenda , Minutes ,We come to know various important issues .We have also got the following findings . • Definition of notice, agenda, minutes.
• Different types of example of notice ,agenda, minutes.
• Usefulness of agenda
• Different types of minutes
• Maintenance of minutes books
• Indexing of minutes
• Signing of minutes
• Some hints on the writing of minutes
Chapter – 04
Recommendation &
1. Recommendations & Conclusion
A notice is a statement drawing the attention of the desired communicate to act as per indication contained in the statement. A valid notice must fulfill the following condition : • It must be signed by the issuing officer.
• It must be specific and unconditional
• Definite day ,date ,time and place of the meeting and business to be transacted if finally decided ,must be mentioned. • It must be circulated as per the rules of procedure of the concerned organization. An agenda is an outline of the contents of a fort coming meetings . It is a list of items proposed to be discussed at a meeting , when it is attached as an annexure or circulated separately it contains : • The mane of the organization .
• The date ,day ,time and place of the meeting .
• The program of business .
• The background papers of information .
• Signature of the secretary
The official records of discussions held and decision taken at a meeting are called minutes .Minutes are generally written by the secretary of the organization unit which sponsors or holds the meetings.
1. Rajendra Pal, Essential Business
Communication ,11th edition, sultan Chand & Sons
2.Google search machine.