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King Lear – William Shakespeare

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(i) “In King Lear honour and loyalty triumph over brutality and viciousness.” Write your response to this statement supporting your answer with suitable reference to the text.

(ii) “In King Lear the villainous characters hold more fascination for the audience than the virtuous ones.”
Discuss this statement with reference to at least one villainous and one virtuous character. Support your answer with suitable reference to the text. 2006
(i) “In the play, King Lear, the stories of Lear and Gloucester mirror one another in interesting ways.”
Write a response to this view of the play, supporting your answer by reference to the text.

(ii) “Reading or seeing King Lear is a horrifying as well as an uplifting experience.” Write a response to this view, supporting the points you make by reference to the text.
2002 D KING LEAR – William Shakespeare
(i) “Powerful images heighten our experience of the play, King Lear.” Write your response to this statement. Textual support may include reference to a particular performance you have seen of the play.

(ii) “Cordelia plays a very important role in the play, King Lear.” Discuss this view of Cordelia, supporting your answer by reference to the Play
(i) What, in your view, are the most important changes that take place in the character of Lear during the play, King Lear? Support your points by reference to the play.

(ii) “Scenes of great suffering and of great tenderness help to make King Lear a very memorable play.”
Discuss this statement, supporting your answer by reference to the play, King Lear.

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