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Importance in the Novel ”Lord of the Flies”

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Simon isn’t as important as Ralph or Jack, or even Piggy, until quite late on in the book. However, he is chosen among many other keen boys to go on to the quest to explore if it is an island. This is because he fainted in the heat, and drew attention to himself. Even though he is in the choir, He is not like the rest of them, not such a `savage’ like Jack or Roger. Even though he is in the choir, and should be hunter, he belongs on Ralph’s side. We can tell this, because Simon sticks up for Piggy when Jack has a go at him, “we used his specs. He helped that way”. He also reassures Ralph, when he is a bit unsure. “You’re chief. You tell `em off”. He also gives him support when Ralph gets fed up that nobody is helping, for example when Simon was the only one who helped Ralph make all the huts. Unlike Jack, he respects Ralph authority. `Simon opened his mouth to speak but he saw Ralph had the conch, and so he backed to his seat.’ Simon is an odd, different character from the others. Simon isn’t a follower at all. I.e. he doesn’t follow the crowd.

An example of this is the fact that he doesn’t do the rest the crowd does. He is basically a good natured kind boy. Simon is actually a bit of a loner. We can see this, because Simon decides to be alone and so he obviously enjoys solitude. Simon doesn’t seem to be scared of the island, because he explores individually into the deep jungle. Another example is when he comes back from the jungle in the dark, “I wanted to go to a place I know. A place in the jungle.” Also when he volunteers to go back in the dark on his own through the forest to help Piggy look after the littluns and to tell him that the rest will be back after dark. “I’ll go if you like. I don’t mind, honestly”. This exploring in the woods and everything makes him seem at home with the jungle. All the other children are like fish out of water, but he isn’t as much. He is also reflective and aware of what’s going on. He is very quiet. But when he does speak, his speeches almost always seem to be relevant.

“As if it wasn’t a good island…. as if the beastie was real” when he finishes Ralph’s struggle to say those great taboos. Also when he isn’t sure about the beast, his relevant speech intimidates the others; “Maybe there is a beast”. Another time, “I think we ought to climb the mountain.” Also he realises that Ralph has to stay on being chief, because it would be chaotic if Jack were leader. “Go on being chief. If Jack were chief he’d have all hunting and no fire. We’d be here till we died.” Simon is actually quite confusing at times too. He sometimes says random comments. “You’ll get back alright. I think so anyway.” Simon also seems to act as if he is the only sane one. He is the only one who seems to think rationally. He is someone who recognises the fact that there can’t be a huge living creature that lives in the sea, has wings and huge claws that Sam and Eric can outrun. Simon is also very generous and compassionate. For example when Piggy hasn’t any food, Simon gives his share of meat to Piggy. `…. Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage….’ Here, Simon is again selflessly generous. Here, it seems that Simon is like Jesus when his disciples surround him. Also when Simon was murdered, he didn’t deserve it. This also shows another representation of Jesus. Simon generally tries to keep the boys out of trouble, but like Jesus he

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