Hong Kong Disneyland

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- Category: Brand Disneyland
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Order NowBrand equity P.2 Brand equity Brand image P.3 CBBE Pyramid salience,Performance and imagery dimensions P.4-5 CBBE Pyramid – judgement and feelings dimensions P.5-6 CBBE Pyramid – resonance dimensions Brand Product Matrix P.6 7Ps P.7-9 Concusion P.9 Reference List P.10 Introduction Hong Kong Disneyland had been run 8 years from 2005 to now. Its different from other Disneyland, because Hong Kong Disneyland is founded by the corporate of Hong Kong government and Walt Disney Company, Hong Kong government own 52 and Walt Disney own 48 stocks. According to their website (Hong Kong Disneyland), vision of Hong Kong Disneyland is to be the main resort destination in Asia, to bring the magical memories to the guest. Thus, there mission is delivers a world-class experience through creativity, build the happiness feeling reside on the guests mind. They target all ages guest especially the kids with there parent. So, Im going to analyze this brand, to found out how and is or isnt it met their mission and vision. Brand development decisions After analyze their Annual Business Review 2013 (ABR2013), I found that there net profit in 2013 is the double of 2012, about 242 millions. In the past, Disneyland is always lost money from 2005 to 2011. (SCMP)
According to the brand strategy model (Riezebos, 2003), Hong Kong Disneyland is using the Winning strategy and Added Value strategy to growth there profit and brand equity. Brand Equity of Hong Kong Disneyland Walt Disney is an already well know world-class corporate, Disneyland is one of there business. Presumably, Hong Kong every one and many foreign knows that who is Disneyland and what about Disneyland. It had reflected that they have strong brand recognition of their brand. They had used the free Disneyland umbrella gift to improve their brand awareness. (Marketing Gift Web) Hong Kong Disneyland has many events at different festival, such as Halloween, in that time many Hong Kong people will recall the Disneyland or Ocean Park. Not only the event can make a recall, Disney owns much unique character, like Winnie The Pooh, Mickey Mouse and so on. Many people fervent on Disneys character and toy, Disney has many strong associations. Thus, we can proof that Disneyland had strong brand awareness, because they are already famous in the world and their canton character make a strong associations.
After Brand awareness, every brand must have a brand image, although the image maybe different in every peoples mind, but they still trying to convey the right image to customer. Hong Kong Disneyland promotes them as a magic kingdom, and they use many brand elements to build the awareness of customer. When you walk in to Hong Kong Disneyland, you can see a big castle, the place that having the firework show. It makes the guest feel that they are visiting the real castle create the magical feeling for them to have joy. Also, the castle is the component or Disneylands logo, symbol and design its a strong and unique brand association of Disneyland. Moreover, Disneyland trying to building the ethical company image, they had done many programmers on environmental and social such as the voluntary works. Let use the Customer-Based Brand Equity Pyramid (Keller et al., 2012, p. 66) model to analyze this brand. First, salience dimensions. Hong Kong Disneyland had build up a strong awareness on customers mind. They used demography segmentation to segment their customer and target all ages people.
However, in my point of view, Disneyland is more focus on the young people because in Hong Kong have a say that Disneyland is for the kids. A number of people have feedback after going to Disneyland they said Ocean Parks amusements are more exciting that Disneylands. Absolutely all the Hong Kong people knew Disneyland and also recall, but not only their depth of awareness is strong, but also breadth of awareness too. According to their ABR2013, they got over 7.4 million attendance, and its continuously increase. Then, let talk about the performance and imagery dimensions. Their performances are always well, according to their ABR2013, 92 of Disneylands guest grading their service levels as excellent, very good and good. It has reflects the guests are satisfaction of their product reliability and serviceability. Disneylands characteristics are clear for their customer. They have many unique symbol, design of the canton character and they used it to build amusement. The unique character like Buzz Light Year and Little Green Man is the only reason that why they people choice Disneyland not The Ocean Park. Disneyland targets all of the peoples who are desire on their unique role design and going to meet their needs.
The imagery of Hong Kong Disneyland is different from The Ocean Park. Their point of parity is both of them are the theme park and provide world-class amusement, the well travel experiences and unforgettable memories. The word of mouth of Hong Kong Disneyland always well, its quite interesting that Hong Kong Disneyland is well known at The world smallest Disneyland. (ChinaGreatTravel web) Hong Kong Disneylands brand personality is magical, fantastic and familiar they effort to attract many families guest who bring their child to come. The most unique is their point of difference. The Ocean Park had been used the animal to be their associations. Different with Ocean Park, Disneyland is also providing the wonderland for guest likely they are walking in the story. Their unique characteristics is the cartoon character which they have licensing and all of it is representative the Disneyland, it cause many associations. Disneylands image is luxury and magical for Hong Kong people. Next, analyze the judgement and feelings dimensions. In judgement state, as mentioned before, 92 of Disneylands guest had grading their service levels as excellent, very good and good.(ABR2013) It had showed that the guests are really satisfaction of their service and brand. Some of the amusements are unique in the world just can found in Hong Kong Disneyland, its one of the reasons that why people are very satisfaction, the unique amusement is helpful for Disneyland to increase their Brand Equity.
In addition, Disneyland had hired many celebrities who are with the sunshine image to do some promotion and increase their credibility. Not only the celebrities, Disneyland also recruited over 7,400 people and provide over 380 thousands hours professional and skill training in 2013. (ABR 2013) Moreover, it reflects that Hong Kong Disneylands internal branding is well. Thats why the guest would like to give a high level evaluation for Hong Kong Disneyland. In feelings dimensions, Disneyland had done many things to let the guest have a world-class experience. They had integrated the design, symbol and the members uniform to keep consistent to create the fascistic, amazing and happiness feeling to the guest. Most of the people feel that Disneyland is fun and fascistic, and this is what Disneyland mission focus on. Lastly, resonance dimensions. Its difficult for Hong Kong Disneyland to make the customer regular, repeat purchases. Its because most people go for Disneyland maybe 1 to 3 times in a year, when go for Disneyland also play with whole day, thats why people will not spend many times on it. However, they still can find the Disney toys in other shops to purchase, and many peoples are fervent on the Disneylands canton and toys.
Hong Kong Disneyland had pushed a customer loyalty program magic access, if you buy a Platinum membership card, you can get 365 days unlimited access Hong Kong Disneyland every day. According to the Brand Product Matrix (Tauber,1981,p.37), Hong Kong Disneyland is always using the line extension. From Disneyland open to now, they had developed many new area and amusement to provide more different experience for the guest. 7Ps of Hong Kong Disneyland Hong Kong Disneylands product is all around the canton of Disney, include the design, style and function. They provide many types of product such as toys, dressing, and stationery, bag and so on. Over a hundred type of product they are selling on their store like the cap with Mickey Mouse and a pen with Winnie The Pool. (Disneyland Website) Not only is these type of product, their amusement also same too. All of the product of Disney is high quality especially is their amusement, Hong Kong Disney its newly-opened attraction Mystic Manor has been honored with the coveted Thea Award for Outstanding Achievement Attraction(Disneyland website) . Moreover, Disneyland had still developing the new area and amusement to attract more people visit Hong Kong Disneyland to enlarge their famous and profile.
Hong Kong Disneyland provide many aftermarketing like the customer service programmers, they provide the hotlines for asking the question about Disneyland. For the pricing strategy, their price is high but affordable. Hong Kong only have two theme parks, Ocean Park and Disneyland. So its easy to pricing for Disneyland, they have only one competitor. Disneylands price is 450hkd for 1 audit, Ocean Park is 320hkd. Why would Disneyland be more expensive Maybe is because they want to convey the awareness to people that Disneyland is more outstanding then Ocean Park. Disneyland is more expensive but still many people will visit because they had build up the strong brand and nothing can be substitute, its unique. So that their product generally expensive than some none branding or weak brand. Disneyland had many products, exclude the store inside Hong Kong Disneyland, they also welcome other company join them to sales their product. To be the Disney products Licensor, the corporate can submit their corporate information to Disney by direct mail.
Hong Kong Disneyland is retailer of Disney, they sales product on their shops. You can found Hong Kong Disneylands products in everywhere include the trendyland and some toys shop. Disneyland had done many promotions such as advertising, they are also using indirectly way to inform and remind the customer their event. Hong Kong Disneyland promote by the government and some of the travel limited, they cooperate with many organizations to do promotion in different ways like internet and the MTR stationary. Most of information is post on their website only. They had provided the direct promotion for the guests who are joined to their membership programmer. Hong Kong Disneyland always recruiting the staff by interviews. They had provided many professional training courses for their staff and convey the right service attitude for them. All the staff had enough skill and power to deal with the problems, like how the stop the amusement when its dangerous. Their internal branding is very well, staffs awareness is strong. All the staff they called it as member, just like Disneyland is a family not a corporate.
They had awarded the Hong Kong best working culture 2013 from the Randstad Award. The service process of Disneyland is both of long and short. The long process is the guest waiting for play the amusement although the guests maybe need to wait over an hour, but they are awareness that its custom and normal now. The short and real service process that is before the game is start, the member will check your seat belt or other protecting equipment is safe or not. They had professional training to keep the guest safe. Hong Kong Disneylands physical evidence is not bad. They push the different types of amusement in different area all of the amusements are designed to create the happiness feeling to guest. However, with the base problem that all the theme park is building on outdoors.
Its extremely hot when Hong Kong during summer time, maybe it will make the guest satisfaction decrease. After analyze this brand, I found that their aim is to be the top resort brand in Asia and they are using the winning strategy. Their objective is to increase the number of access and profit. They had integrated their brand elements, brand strategy and marketing strategy very well. All the components are consistent to their vision and mission, to make their brand strong. The Reference List Hong Kong Disneyland Annual Business Reviews 2013 Keller et al., 2012, p. 66 Riezebos, R (2003), Brand Management, Pearson Education Limited, Essex Tauber,E.M.(1981). Brand franchise extension New products benefit from existing brand names. Business Horizons, 24(2),