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Health and Social Care Argumentative

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Describe how practitioners should apply values of care in health or social care service In this task I will describe how practitioners should apply values of care within a health or social care service. Care values are standards that should be met within a health and social care setting; they are designed to improve the quality of care which is given to people. Promoting care values within a care setting.

The care values which are applied in a health care setting consist of; maintaining confidentiality, this means not sharing an individual’s personal information with another person. Also, it’s important to protect the personal information of a client by keeping it between you and the client. This care value occurs in a care home setting when; the Care worker has to maintain confidentiality when looking at personal files of the service users, by not leaving it on the computer because someone can walk past and check It. it’s important for them not to share information that is personal with an unauthorised person. This is because it will breach the law; which is the Legislation of the Data Protection Act 1998; if this occurs then consequences will occur.

Promoting equality and diversity; equality is when you ensure individuals or those of a group are treated with respect and equally, meeting their needs such as the type of food they eat or if they practice their religion. Hence promoting equality and diversity means accepting a person even if they have differences such as Religion, gender, disability, age and belief etc., it’s important to accept it. For example, within a doctor’s surgery, it’s important the doctordoes not disrespect a patient because of who they are and where they are from. Promoting equality removes discrimination. Diversity is when you value and respect an individual’s differences by accepting them as who they are. This is important because it allows care workers, doctors, nurses and many other practitioners of health care respect a patient/client regardless of their background and meeting their requirements.

Promoting individuals rights and beliefs; promoting means making others attentive of what is said. The right of an individual is accepting them as who they are, regardless if they follow a different religion from you and practice differently from you. In a health and social care setting respectingan individual’s rights are important because there are people from different walks of life they may be from a different part of the world with a different race.For example; if you work with a colleague who is from a different background from yours it’s important they are respected as who they are and accepting they are different from you and practice differently from you. Hence, within a health care setting; practitioners such as physiotherapists should respect the rights of their client, because if they don’t they would have breached the rights of an individual, there will be consequences, the practitioner will face consequences, it is unjust to take another individuals rights. Maintaining confidentiality; confidentiality is the protection of information that is personal.

Maintaining confidentiality means keeping clients information between you and the client and not telling others such as other colleagues, friends or family. For example in a doctor’s surgery, it’s important for the doctor to keep the clients information such as files locked and secured on the computer by using a password. This is because; it is personal information of an individual that another individual shouldn’t look at. It’s important for the doctor to keep the clients medical details are not discussed with others unless the client themselves give the consent. Maintaining confidentiality makes service users or clients within the health care setting feel comfortable, this is because there might be some issues they would not want to discuss or others to discuss their personal information with people. Early years care setting; include –

Making the welfare of the child vital; the welfare is the protection of a child. It’s important to make sure the child’s welfare is put first regardless of the situation; this is because the child may be very young so it’s important to keep an eye on the child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs. For example in a day care centre; each child’s welfare is important, this means the children’s needs are met first by the staff, whatever the situation is. Hence, this will make the parents feel their child is taken good care of by others and they are safe. Another example is when there is a fire alarm going off in a crùche, its important all the toddlers and babies are evacuated immediately first in order to protect their welfare, then the adults. Keeping children safe and maintain them in a health environment; Safety of the child is vital, this is because they are too young to understand what is going on sometimes. Moreover its important children are kept within a healthy and safe environment, because they are protected from any accidents occurring.

For example in a nursery, the outside door isn’t locked and opens, the children playing inside and a nursery nurse is not present, anything can occur and the children can walk out of the door and an incident may take place and the might get injured. So it’s important for the door to only be open when there are nursery nurses are present, so no incidents take place. Hence, maintaining the child’s safety in a health environment consists of the child getting fed properly, the food should be edible and it should be healthy. It’s recommended for children to have their five a day so it keeps them in good health. Working in partnership with parent and families; this is when a child is sent to a school or a nursery by their parents, the reason for this is because the parents want their child to achieve their best in their education. It’s important for the parents to have a good communication with the nursery, day care centre or crùche, this is because they will receive the progress of how well their child is doing. For example for a nursery it’s important they organise for parent to come in and discuss the progress of their child, in order for them to help their children.

Also the parents and family of the child should be called into school for assemblies, meeting regarding their child’s education. It’s vital for the staff of any early year health care setting to have a good working relationship with parents and families. Supporting children’s learning and development; This means taking into consideration of a child’s learning and how well it is progressing or if a child is having learning difficulties. This will make the child feel valued and taken into consideration by their teachers. Moreover, supporting children’s learning and development is vital because if the teacher praises the child, it makes them want to improve further, the teacher should motivate the child for them to succeed. For the child to do well, it’s important there is a smooth relationship between them and the nursery teachers. Valuing diversity; within a health care setting or an early year care setting; it’s important for the practitioners such as Doctors, nursery nurses, care workers, nursery manager etc take into consideration regarding the value of diversity of a person.

Within an early year care setting such as a crùche and early year nursery every child is accepted as they are concerning if they are from a different religion, race, culture etc, it’s important for the nursery nurses to accept the child they way they are even. This show’s you are valuing diversity and being just with others, hence following the laws and regulations which consist of legislations such as The Equality Act (2010). Equality of opportunity; this is when, everybody within an early health care setting have the opportunity to be treated with equality, in simpler terms, an individual should be treated according to their needs, they should be accepted the way they are. For example, within an early health care setting such as a day care nursery, the children should be treated according to their needs with equality of opportunity, so if there’s a child who has is diagnosed with Down syndrome then they should be treated according to their needs. Case studies

Maintaining confidentiality (early years)– Children’s residential care home 1. Maintaining confidentiality; Anne is the social worker at the Children’s residential care home which is Elm Tree House. Anne has the authority to look after the personal documents of the children’s private information such as the contact number for relatives, their doctor, and dentist etc. It’s important the personal files of a child in Elm Tree House are not disclosed with anyone other than those who are given the consensus of looking after them. Hence if the personal files of a child get lost then the manager will be held responsible for them, so it’s important to keep the personal files saved on the computer and backed up on an external hard drive preventing it from getting deleted or lost. The personal files of each child should be locked with a password only the manager knows.

This case study shows that the care value of ‘maintaining confidentiality is applied, this is because it shows the Manager of a children’s residential home which is ‘Elm Tree House’ has kept the children’s personal detail’s and documents safe on the computer files with locked passwords, this shows that Anne is applying the care value of maintaining confidentiality. Also, the Manager of this residential care home is applying the Data Protection Act 1998 by acting on the confidentiality policy and not showing personal information of the children to an unauthorised individual. Promoting individual’s rights and beliefs (health and social care setting) – Care home setting 2. Promoting individual rights and beliefs; Aminah is a Muslim and is a new care worker in a residential care home. Within the care home there are many different people from different background, most of them are either Christians or Muslims, but there is one practicing Jew, his name is Aaron, who visited the synagogue regularly. It’s important for the care worker who is Muslim to accept Aaron’s religious beliefs and values by taking him to the synagogue.

Also, to accept the beliefs and rights of Aaron, she goes inside with him, this shows she’s respecting his religious beliefs. This case study shows, the rights and beliefs of the service user were respected by the new Care worker in the care home. Even though she was new she helped promote his rights and beliefs by going to the synagogue with him. Aminah also went inside with Aaron to acknowledge his rights as a person. Hence, the Equality Act 2010 is applied in this case study by the care worker within the care home. The care worker is accepting the rights and beliefs of the service user, this is because she is supporting the service user and letting them practice their religious beliefs by taking them to the synagogue. Moreover the Equality and diversity policy is also promoted in this case study; the Care worker is giving equal opportunity to the service users by allowing them to practice their beliefs, this is protected and supported by the legislation. Also, the care worker is being diverse with the service user by accepting their beliefs and values. Valuing diversity (early years) – Nursery (positive)

3. Valuing diversity – There’s a catholic day care setting; and most of the children are Christians, but there are is one Muslim child whose name is Anayah. It’s Christmas soon, and in the nursery the children are decorating including Anayah, this will benefit her because she is helping others and accepting them as who they are. Hence, the celebration of Eid should be commemorating in the nursery because this will make Anayah feel valued and accepted by the nursery teachers and the other children. The nursery should celebrate the different festivals because it shows you are respecting other faiths. Moreover, the nursery is valuing everyone’s religious needs by accepting them as who they are. This case study shows, the nursery staff are accepting the religious beliefs of the children and promoting them by practices the different festivals that each faith does. In this case study, it will make Anayah feel valued by the nursery nurse because they are practicing the festival that occurs in her religion.

Also, the Equality Act 2010 is applied in this nursery; through allowing different celebrations to take place according to the faiths in the nursery hence it gives everyone a bit of background information about the different festivals that take place in the different faiths; this is important for the children because they are learning a variety of things each faith does. Maintaining confidentiality (health care setting) – Bradford Royal Infirmary (hospital) (positive) 4. Alan is a patient at the BRI hospital and he has a meeting with the consultant to discuss his chemotherapy and how many treatments he needs to do for the cancer cells to be destroyed. The consultant records his personal files such as the patient’s medical history on the computer so they stay safe. He then notes down any concerns the patient has regarding what the situation is. In order for the consultant to respect the patient they have to maintain confidentiality by not sharing their personal details are not shared with others, hence making sure there is a password protection on the computer so the files are protected and safe.

Also, there should be a copy of the patient’s personal information in a document format; they should be locked away in a cabinet file out of reach from unauthorised individuals. This case study shows the consultant has applied the care value which is maintaining confidentiality by protecting the personal files of patients on the computer and in a document format. Hence making sure they don’t get lost and no unauthorised person gets hold of them. On the computer the consultant makes sure there is a password protection so the personal files are safe and out of reach of people. Promoting equality and diversity of people who use services (health care setting) – Care Home (negative) 5. Mary is 67 and she resides at the Westgate care home, as her husband passed away 3 years ago and Mary could not cope without him. A year ago Mary was diagnosed with dementia; this made it more difficult for her to cope so she moved into the care home.

Hence a new care worker has started working at the Westgate care home. The care worker is not aware of the service user’s health issues and background as she’s new, and treats everyone differently by doing favouritism. It shows the care worker hasn’t accepted them as who they are. This makes Mary feel uncomfortable, and she feels upset. The care worker should acknowledge the health issues of the service users and treat them with equality and accept everyone as who they are. This case study shows the care worker at the Westgate care home is not promoting equality and diversity. It’s important for the caret worker to promote equality by treating all service users equally regarding if any service user has health issues such as Mary who is 67 with dementia. It’s important to make the service user feel valued. Moreover, for the care worker to promote diversity and accept everyone as who they are regarding their background, faith and culture etc. It’s important the Equality Act 2010 promoted by the care worker in this case study.

This is because if she doesn’t then she is breaching the Legislations and there will be consequences. Moreover, it’s important to show equality to everyone by treating everyone equally regarding if they are disable or different from you it’s important as a care worker to show equality. Diversity is also important too, this is because it makes service users in this case feel valued by the care worker. Making the welfare of the child paramount – (early years) Buzzy Bee’s Play group 6. Victoria is the manager at the Buzzy Bee’s play group, she looks after children age 4 and below in the play group. The play group starts 9am and finished at 2pm. It was dinner time and the dinner ladies were making food in the kitchen, and the fire alarm set off, Victoria made sure everyone left the things they were doing. Hence it was Victoria’s duty to immediately evacuate all the children from the building and did a paper register to see all children are present.

Victoria made sure as they got out of the play group, she did a count of the children. This case study shows the manager Victoria is making the welfare of the children paramount she applied this care value when the fire alarm went off and Victoria made sure all children were evacuated out the building first. This shows her first priority is the children to make sure they come out of the building safe. In this case study it shows the Children Act 1989 is applied; the manager is making the children her first priority and responsibility by making sure they are safe.

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