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Haverwood Furniture Inc.

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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 256
  • Category: Marketing

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I have reviewed your case and I recognize the problem that you are facing. Before you will make the final decision and present the alternative to Hervey and Berham executives of Haverwood Furniture Inc. The proposal is to increase advertising expenditures by $225,000 and allocating this amount into ads in magazines. The problem is that the sum is over the line. Vice President of sales also requested more sales representatives. According to the data and the questionnaire that buyers have filled out, one of the most important factors was good value for the money and the style of furniture. Therefore, increase on exposing the quality and styling to the buying public is the key. Also, when asked the respondents, 80% answered that relaxed, no pressure to buy atmosphere is important.

Likewise 77% well informed sales person is essential. Lastly, 51,9% found buying furniture a distressing process. Based on my analysis, I think hiring more professional sales representatives is crucial. Since, the costumers value all the points that I have mentioned above, engaging new stuff will help shopping for furniture less stressful. Also, they will be able to inform the client about the quality of the furniture, which is the most important for the client. Lastly, I would recommend creating a sale for new home/condo buyers. Since furniture comes in sets and clients expressed that the same style is essential for them. Advertising a packaging offering in magazine ads will increase the sales. Haverwood Furniture should increase their sales expenditures based on my recommendations.

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