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Final Glo-bus Report

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Your final report should show your command of business skills and decision-making capabilities of your group. The report should show credible evidence about your business proficiencies on each of 9 measures that are precisely defined at the bottom of the report. The three measures relating to “Leadership Skills”, “Collaboration & Teamwork”, and “Financial Analysis Skills” are based on individual performance as viewed by their company co-managers and their performance on Quiz 2. The other 5 measures are all based on data relating to the performance of the group of co-managers comprising each company in the simulation. Your report will show highly credible evidence regarding the calibre of business understanding and decision-making strength of your group. It will be used to assess your business understanding and decision-making acumen. The categories are:

Leadership Skills: Assessment of the individual’s leadership and independent thinking skills. Based co-managers’ answers for items 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 on the peer evaluation exercise. Collaboration & Teamwork: Assessment of the individual’s collaborative skills, teamwork, and ability to work well with others. Based on co-managers’ answers for items 1, 3, 8, 9, 11 on the peer evaluation exercise. Financial Analysis: Assessment of the individual’s skills in analyzing financial ratios and financial statements. This will be based on the individual’s answers to selected questions from Quiz #2. Financial Management: Assessment of the group’s ability to apply financial management principles. This will be based on the company’s ROE, credit rating, and stock price performances. Operations Management: Assessment of the group’s ability to manage production operations and control production costs. This will be based on the company’s production cost competitiveness as measured by production costs per unit (adjusted for product quality and product line breadth), capacity utilization, and management of finished goods inventories.

Marketing Management: Assessment of the group’s ability to effectively market the company’s product and control marketing costs. This will be based on the company’s market image and marketing costs per unit sold. Human Resources Management: Assessment of the group’s proficiency in workforce management and controlling labour costs. This will be based on work- force compensation, workforce productivity, and labour costs per unit sold. Strategic Analysis & Planning: Assessment of the group’s strategic planning and strategic thinking skills. This will be based on scores achieved on the 3-Year Strategic Plan exercise. Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessment of group’s awareness of and commitment to operating the company in a socially responsible manner and being a “model corporate citizen”. This will be based on the % of company revenues spent on the six corporate social responsibility initiatives.

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