Feasibility of ampalaya seeds as coffee

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Order NowPopularly known by and a great companion of people suffering from tremendous loads of burdens, burdens that comprise the effect of an early morning, and overnight completion of requirements. Coffee is a brewed beverage that originates from coffee beans. Being next to water to be substantially consumed, it has been a growing commodity worldwide. Coffee is mostly consumed on mornings and considered a breakfast meal in pair of whole wheat breads specifically in the Philippines. The rich presence of caffeine made it appealing to people. Caffeine acts as a nervous system stimulant making anyone who induces it physically active, maximizes their full concentration and downsizes powerful drowsiness. The high toxicity of caffeine made it beneficial for agricultural purposes. Caffeine contributes as both pesticide and an agent that suppresses activity and potential growth of weeds.
Dark roasted coffee has less caffeine content in contrast to light roasted due to various roasting procedures that lessen caffeine availability in coffee beans. From its role as a healthy food, both parents and nutritionists strongly suggest and often force children to eat plenty of bitter gourd. Bitter gourd is commonly known to Filipinos as ampalaya. It has been a well-known cuisine for both Asian and Caribbean countries varying from one cooking style to another. Ampalaya as it cultivates, ripens to be even rougher and bitter. Scientifically proven, ampalaya is said to decline high blood glucose levels because of insulin properties found on plants-ampalaya, called momordicin. Ampalaya contains a mixture of flavanoids and alkaloids make the Pancreas produce more insulin that controls the blood sugar in diabetics.
Aside from Ampalaya’s medicinal value, it is good source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium. Ampalaya is also rich in antioxidants that protect the cells of the body from damage of free radicals (metabolic by-products usually waste) (Theaimagent, 2011). This is likely comparable to prescribed pharmaceuticals but in a more sufficient way. Diabetes sufferers can easily cultivate ampalaya plants and make their desired preparations. It will serves as both recreation and a preemptive measure. With the fact that ampalaya can help in regulating blood sugar levels comes another factual reality, ampalaya can also assure health failure. This is imminent with insufficient open mindedness-overdose or above average dosage.
Recurrence of sleeping disorders and patterns are usually experienced by middle-aged person, with this ampalaya once again enters the scene and do what it can. Since it contains plant insulin, it is considered as a fuel source at the same time a battery. Commercialized coffee products are known to have lavish amount of artificial sweeteners to attain customers’ approval. Yes they are explicitly flavorsome but the thought of implications and the high possibility that they exist are just to be of consideration. The reason for this undeniable sweetness links to hydrogenated vegetable fats, a major component of creamers. As the name implies hydrogenated vegetable fats comes from vegetable oil that is heated until it becomes fatty in form. “HFCS is not classified as “natural” in cases where a synthetic substance such as a synthetic fixing agent [is] included in or added to it, or in cases where natural or unnaturally derived food coloring has been added,’’ stated by the Food and Drug Administration (America).
HFCS or high fructose corn syrup is another substance present in creamers validating the viable effect of commercialized coffee. The abundance of ampalaya plant within the country makes it easy to conduct a not so elusive-experimentation, an experiment wherein ampalaya’s beneficial components and coffee’s aid are combined into a vigorous upshot. And because of the degradation garnered by every ampalaya plant from non-bitter gourd eaters, the researchers decided to make use of it as a coffee and unveil the hidden nutritional facts and benefits lying underneath their fully creased outer coverings. This study will focus on the effectiveness of ampalaya seeds as substituent of coffee beans and artificial preservatives.
Upon the arrival at the valuable effects and benefits of ampalaya seeds as coffee, a methodological process will be conducted to make coffee from ampalaya seeds. After making the product it will be evaluated by randomly chosen individuals for the researchers to find out the acceptability of the product over commercialized ones. The basis for this includes mainly its taste and aromatic scent. With this the researchers can find a way to improve and/or make desirable changes about the product that will attain consumers’ approval and satisfaction. The researches chosen the topic: “Ampalaya seeds as coffee” which make use of ampalaya seeds other than the usual coffee beans in making coffee bearing the belief that with the successful outcome, the coffee can be a potential addition to the selection of coffees being bought in the markets.
Statement of the Problem
The study “Ampalaya Seeds as a Coffee” mainly focuses on making coffee out of ampalaya seeds that will lower the sugar level of a certain person which prevents him from having diabetes and induce a lot of dietary fibers responsible for diminishing the possibility of cardiovascular ailments. The study needs to answer the following questions:
1. What are the nutrients of ampalaya seeds that can help to prevent diabetes and produce a lot of dietary fibers?
2. What are the advantages of drinking coffee to our health?
3. Why does ampalaya seeds be an alternative coffee to drink?
Scope and Delimitations
The scope of the study confines to ampalaya seeds as the main ingredient for coffee only. This seeds will be dealt on the entire study. It will also cover the plot that ampalaya seeds are capable and feasible for coffee production. The study will cover only human beings as it’s subject to prove the benefits of ampalaya seeds. It will not deal, however on the other beverages wherein ampalaya seeds are the main constituents. Other ingredients will not be considered except the ampalaya seeds (Momordica charantia). Other methods which may arise other than roasting, grinding and brewing may also be considered.
Significance of the study
The researchers believe that the resulting product would be helpful and beneficial towards the students, teachers, parents, and future researches who would accomplish a similar study or something close enough to use this study as a resource material. Not only coffee beans are used in processing coffee, ampalaya, a very common vegetable can be a means to. Students: This research aspires to educate students regarding the advantageous effect of ampalaya seeds if it was to be substituted for coffee beans. With the attainable knowledge and with the proper application, students can seek solutions or treatments concerning health issues. Reduction of such problems will inversely accelerate and boost interrelated economic issues.
How? Posterities of education are most likely to contribute sensible lore that can globalize the country. Teachers: This study aims to give educators ideas and reasons to drink a natural reviving beverage. As been stated before, insulin being a substance present in ampalaya is a glucose meaning it helps in revitalizing the body to perform a specified task-making lesson plans. After a heavy day of lecturing and running errands it would be conducive to regain the lost energy through a natural coffee rather than an artificial one. The prodigious concentration of natural substances in ampalaya coffee are both nutritional and performance booster. Parents: This study will help parents to be health conscious individuals.
Awareness of the nutritional content of ampalaya and the proper intake can lessen the probability of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Prevention is always better than the cure. If they are fully protected no further worries causing creases won’t be exhibited. Researchers: This research will be beneficial to future researchers in discovering more about the health-related effects of ampalaya coffee. They can make further corrections if there exist some and make advance developments. This can serve as a beacon and guide of researchers for them not to make the same mistakes other researchers have committed and also as a reference material for their own thesis paper.