Facts about Global Warming You Should Know

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Order NowGlobal warming is not a 20th century phenomenon. It has, in fact, occurred in the past more than once, along with periods of extreme cold known as the ice ages. With so much written and reported about global warming, sometimes it’s difficult to detect which is fact and which is just part of scientific scare tactics. Here are some facts about global warming that might help:
What exactly is global warming? Global warming is basically the increase in the temperatures of the Earth’s atmosphere, land masses and oceans. The Earth’s surface temperature is at an average of 59F and over the last hundred years, this figure has risen to about 1F. By the year 2100, the average change in the temperature of the Earth could range from 2.5F to about 10F, enough to melt glaciers and polar ice caps.
The cause of global warming Global warming has and will always occur naturally. Why it has become such a concern in our lifetime is due to the fact that human activities and practices have contributed significantly to its occurrence and severity. With the advent of industrialization and careless environmental practices, we have caused the increase in the average global temperatures by contributing negatively to the greenhouse effect.
This began about 240 years ago, when the Industrial Revolution was born. As more and more fossil fuels in the form of oil were mined and burned, gases as the by-product of that process began to be released in the atmosphere. Currently, it is estimated that 75% of the increase in the carbon dioxide content of the Earth’s atmosphere is caused by the burning of these fossil fuels.
Global warming and the greenhouse effect Global warming is related to changes in the Earth’s greenhouse effect. Gases naturally occur in the Earth’s atmosphere and act both to protect and retain heat. These gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. Of these, water vapor is the most dominant and abundant greenhouse gas.
Global warming and the greenhouse effect are not the same thing. The greenhouse effect refers to a natural process that occurs in the Earth’s atmosphere. If this process is disrupted, then it could contribute to global warming.
As the sun’s rays hit the Earth, heat is bounced back to the atmosphere where these gases contain the heat and keep it there to warm the planet. This is an important natural process and allows life forms to flourish and survive. Problems only occur when these gases multiply and build-up, containing heat too efficiently and thus warming the Earth’s atmosphere.
As the Earth’s average temperature rises, effects in its landmasses and sea water level become apparent. Polar ice caps melt along with glaciers, contributing to higher and warmer sea levels. By the end of the century, it is estimated that sea levels can increase from 4 inches to a high of about 40 inches if global warming continues unabated.
Global warming can also affect the behavior of the winds and can also contribute to a harsher and drier climate, with frequent visitings of strong hurricanes. Water from heavier rainfall will not stay long to irrigate the land, however because with a warmer climate, water on the Earth’s surface will evaporate quickly. This has a significant effect on agricultural practices not only in the US but also for the rest of the world.
Another phenomenon that is equated with global warming is the El Nino. The El Nino phenomenon has occurred for possibly thousands of years and is not caused directly by global warming. However, changes in the average temperature of the planet can contribute to its severity and frequency.
Other human practices that contribute to global warming The agricultural revolution has also contributed to global warming. As more and more communities need lands converted from forests to residential and commercial areas, biomass is reduced, contributing to the increase in the presence of carbon dioxide in those regions. Since carbon dioxide is processed by plants and trees, their absence contributes to its increase.
It is estimated that about 25% of the annual increase in the carbon dioxide found in the Earth’s atmosphere is caused by extreme changes and usage of the Earth’s natural resources. Other practices also include deforestation, salinization, desertification and overgrazing also contribute to global warming. However, many scientists surmise and agree that the contribution is slight and indirect.
Facing the facts of global warming Countries all over the world have just begun to acknowledge the negative effects of global warming not only to the world’s politics and economy but also to humankind in general. Many of the world’s governments have encouraged implementation of measures to try to counteract the problem of global warming through careful measures and practices designed to protect and respect the environment.
How these measures will fare and contribute to the long-term maintenance of our planet, though, remains to be seen. Article Source: http://www.bestglobalwarmingarticles.com For more information now go to:
Causes of Global Warming – “Air Conditioning And The Environmental Impact” By: D. Both When you think of air conditioning, do you ever wonder who made it, the history behind it, maybe different applications involved or even environmental concerns? Well, if so, then you have come to the right place. We will not only go over each of these but you will find that a Sub-Heading for ease of use marks each section.
The Air Conditioner was first introduced in 1820 by Michael Faraday a British Scientist and Inventor. He discovered that by compressing liquefied ammonia you could cause the rooms are temperature to cool down. Dr. John Gorrie who
used this technology to make ice for his patients later followed this up. Once the Doctor had proven that using the ice helped his patients he then received a grant to do more studies. However this was not meant to be and it was another 50 years before the first air condition was made in 1902.
An air conditioner is a machine designed to create cool air using a refrigeration system.
The Air Conditioner or its uses and methods can be traced back to Medieval Persia, where they used large open pools to hold water while using wind towers using tunnel like pipes to catch the wind and push it into another direction. This caused the collected water to evaporate and cool the buildings during the hot seasons.
While the modern air conditioner was first introduced in 1902 for factories, the first home and car air conditioner was not brought in until 1950.
First is the Comfort Application, which is designed to keep indoors comfortable for both mankind and our animals. There are different types of this application and are used in such places as Residential Homes and Buildings, Commercial Properties, Schools and other Institutions. This application is also used for personal Aircraft, Ships, Spacecraft, Trains, and Vehicles.
Then we have the Process Application, which is geared for the place it is located such as Operating Rooms, Static Clean or Data Rooms, Breeding Facilities, Airplanes, Factories, Testing Facilities, Greenhouses, Mines, Kitchens, and Nuclear Plants. Each of these areas has to maintain a center degree and this application provides that safely.
Many people forget that we have to be careful of what we do and how we use such conveniences as the Air Conditioner, but as the Earths health slowly declines and we have more and more health related issues in today’s society we have to take care. When you don’t take care of your air conditioner properly you set the stage for the outbreak of Microorganisms that contribute to anything from the common everyday cold to pneumonia, or even asthma. Which if you have ever had an allergy reaction or worse an asthmatic attack then you know how life threatening this can be.
Not to mention the fact an air conditioner, if maintained properly, can save on your heating and electric bill, as well as cut down on the electricity that, in turn, cuts down on the emissions from both the AC unit and your local power plant. Article Source: http://www.bestglobalwarmingarticles.com www.kimpton.ltd.uk/index2.html have a breadth of experience that spans every aspect of the construction industry including air con hire effects of global warming – “Causes, Effects and Solutions of the Global Warming Crisis” By: Rob Roberts Too many greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere will increase the greenhouse effect. The most dangerous aspects of the continuing dramatic climatic change is the effects of feedback loops (amplified change). Examples of the feedback loops are Ice/snow, as the earth warms, the levels of ice and snow decrease. This decrease leads to higher temperatures on the surface, leading to more warming. As the earth warms, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere goes up which is the most powerful greenhouse gas in existence.
The year 2005 was the warmest year in over a century, according to NASA scientists studying temperature data from around the world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Third Assessment Report projects that the Earth’s average surface temperature will increase between 2.5° and 10.4°F (1.4°-5.8°C) between 1990 and 2100 if no major efforts are undertaken to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (the “business-as-usual” scenario). This is significantly higher than what the Panel predicted in 1995 (1.8°-6.3°F, or 1.0°-3.5°C), mostly because scientists expect a reduced cooling effect from tiny particles (aerosols) in the atmosphere.
Scientists predict that even if we stopped emitting heat-trapping gases immediately, the climate would not stabilize for many decades because the gases we have already released into the atmosphere will stay there for years or even centuries. So while the warming may be lower or increase at a slower rate than predicted if we reduce emissions significantly, global temperatures cannot quickly return to today’s averages. And the faster and more the earth warms, the greater the chances are for some irreversible climate changes.
The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing and agriculture, and other human activities, are the primary sources of the human-induced component of warming. An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes, including a rising sea level and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, and tornados. Other consequences include higher or lower agricultural yields, glacier retreat, reduced summer stream flows, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming (and sea level rise due to thermal expansion) is expected to continue, since CO2 has a long average atmospheric lifetime.
The number of cars in operation around the world will double by the year 2030. The United States is responsible for 25% of the world’s CO2 emissions which equates to 7 billion tons of CO2 emissions in one year. The amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere in the next 30 years is expected to double or triple. Deforestation is another main producer of carbon dioxide. The causes of deforestation are logging for lumber, pulpwood, and fuel wood. Also contributing to deforestation is clearing new land for farming and pastures used for animals such as cows. Forests and wooded areas are natural carbon sinks. This means that as trees absorb carbon dioxide, and release oxygen, carbon is being put into trees. This process occurs naturally by photosynthesis, which occurs less and less as we cut and burn down trees. As the abundance of trees declines, less carbon dioxide can be recycled. As we burn them down, carbon is released into the air and the carbon bonds with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, adding to the greenhouse effect. About 860 acres, the size of Central Park in New York, is destroyed every 15 minutes in the tropics. The rate of global warming and sea level rise will be higher than previous predictions during the next century. Estimated land losses range from 0.05% for Uruguay to about 80% for all in the Marshall Islands.
A 1M (3 feet) sea-level rise would affect 6 million people in Egypt, with 12% to 15% of agricultural land lost, 13 million in Bangladesh, with 16% of national rice production lost, and 72 million in China and “tens of thousands” of hectares (1 hectare=2.47 acres) of agricultural land. This is based on new information released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, made up of about 2,000 scientists who advise the United Nations, revised estimates of the current forecast in sea levels after conducting new studies on the west Antarctic ice sheet.
Small, low-lying island states and countries with big coastal populations such as the Marshall Islands and Bangladesh could see catastrophic damage from the rise. Global warming is at the root of the increase, say the researchers; as the earth’s climbing temperatures melt the Arctic sea ice and Antarctica.
Around the world, ice sheets and glaciers are melting at a rate unprecedented since record-keeping began. Changes in the area and volume of the two polar ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland are intricately linked to changes in global climate and could result in sea-level changes that would severely affect the densely populated coastal regions.
Glaciers along the southeastern coast of Greenland are thinning by more than 3 feet a year — possibly because of global warming, according to a study by NASA scientists.
Researchers compared aerial surveys of the Greenland ice sheet taken in 1993 and 1994 with a similar survey taken last year. Their data indicated that parts of the ice sheet near the ocean thinned at a rate of more than 3 feet (1 meter) per year.
“Why (glaciers) are behaving like this is a mystery,” said Bill Krabill, a researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “But it may indicate that the coastal margins of ice sheets are capable of responding quite rapidly to external changes, such as a warming climate.” Krabill said if the higher rate of ice flowing into the ocean from Greenland “accelerates or becomes more widespread, it would begin to have a detectable impact on sea level.”
All of the scientific data and understanding now point to the critical situation we face: to slow future change we must start taking action soon. At the same time, because of our past and ongoing activities we must start to live with the likely consequences – more extreme weather, rising sea levels, changing precipitation patterns, ecological and agricultural dislocations, the spread of human disease and declining economic health around the world. In the end, failure to solve the global warming problem is not an option.
The application of the new alternative energy and agriculture technologies of Quest Innovations Research will provide the solutions of global warming. The first is an alternative type perpetual electric device that will replace gasoline or diesel engines for transportation. With better transmissions and with more aerodynamic designs, and stronger yet lighter material for chassis will allow a totally non-fuel burning automobile and truck.
More than half of America’s electricity is produced from outdated, coal-burning power plants that dump pollutants and heat-trapping gases into our atmosphere. In fact, power plants are the single largest source of CO2–one-third of the U.S. total. Quest Innovation’s solution is to replace the present power grid systems into perpetual electric units that will not pollute the air or waste natural resources. Smaller electric units will also be used for many major appliances such as clothes washers, dishwashers, water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners and boilers. Protecting threatened forests will help halt global warming which can also save us money, increase food productivity and create new business and agriculture opportunities. Quest Innovation’s Research projects of the systematic approach to new hydroponics agriculture and the enriched soil of Terra Preta will increase food production over 800% on less land, thereby saving valuable rainforests. The new water hydration device will provide atmospheric water as an abundant source for crop irrigation.
Using the force of water without creating dams will utilize turbine generated energy that will be modified for many agriculture uses in order to complete systems for providing large magnitude crop yields. Best of all, these solutions exist now. The future is now and awaiting every individual, group, business, community, government or country ready to use new natural G-d given knowledge of technology to provide enough non-polluting energy and rich nutrient fed crops for everyone on our home planet.
“Facts about Global Warming You Should Know” By:Â Nathalie Fiset
Article Source: http://www.bestglobalwarmingarticles.com
About the Author: Gerald Flores is an inventer and researcher developing new methods of preserving life on our planet,he can be contacted at www.questinnovations.net or emailed at [email protected] Gerald Flores Quest Innovations & Research Offering Creations thru Science and Invention For the Preservation of Life www.questinnovations.net Article Source: www.goarticles.co