Tourism Essays

Introduction Sex tourism is defined as travel for sex purposes. People travel to various destinations to engage in sexual activities (Free Dictionary). Sex tourism is a practice that has been on for the longest time. Underage girls are used by many people who run these services. The vast world believes …
Introduction Space Tourism is the current phenomenon of traveling to space for personal delight. To date, it is affordable only to affluent individuals. But surprisingly, even at $20 million a ticket, agencies are already fully booked until 2009. The price is claimed to be worth it, because of the …
Ecological tourism, usually shortened to ecotourism, is a form of tourism which aims to be ecologically and socially conscious. Generally speaking, ecotourism focuses on local culture, wilderness adventures, volunteering, personal growth, and learning new ways to live on the planet; typically involving travel to destinations where the flora, fauna, and …
Introduction Switzerland enjoys vast number of resources making the one of the advanced economy in the world. It Par capita incomes are virtually the best with trade being the key to the prosperity of this nation. The country measures about 41, 285 km2 and an estimated population of about 7, …
Abstract There are many advantages and disadvantages that come with hosting a major event like Olympic Games. The constant scramble to host such an event is associated with the perceived economic gains and a chance to market the country in the world. 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was one of the …
Virgin holidays is a tour operator company which is one of the Virgin group companies and offer holidays with destinations all over the world in all continents. It’s a private company which was founded in 1985 which has grown since then to be one of the largest tour operators company …
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system, located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia. This coral reef system is composed of approximately three thousand individual reefs in addition to nine hundred islands, stretching for 2,600 kilometers and covering an area …
Kerala is a state located at the Southern part of India. It is a place mentioned in many parts of the Mahabmarata, an infamous Asian epic. This place is a long shoreline with many serene beaches. It has an exotic and rich wildlife, picturesque waterfalls, sprawling plantations and fields. The …
This dissertation is an original and authentic piece of work produced in fulfilment of my degree regulations. I have fully acknowledged and referenced all secondary sources. I have read and understood the Academic Regulations and I am fully aware of any breach of them Xu Yinghui Abstract The purpose …
Abstract As Thailand enters the 21st century, the tourism industry continues to play a major role in the economic and social development of the kingdom. Known around the world for the enduring hospitality of its people, its ancient culture and Thai cuisine, Thailand continually attracts record numbers of tourists to …
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