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Theories Essays

How the Horned Lizard Got Its Horns?

Introduction The theory of evolution by Charles Darwin gave numerous principles regarding the various reasons certain being intuitively adapt to its surroundings. The study covered the topic on the possible correlation on the growing of horns to the presumed defense function of these horned lizards against their marauders. These also …

The Dominos Theory

Dominos are small regular tiles made of bone or ivory fragments. When arranged in line, toppling the first domino leads to the falling of the subsequent dominos. Domino experts are able to make long and elaborate arrangements of dominos in a manner that when the first domino in line is …

Urban Theories of Tony Garnier, Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright

Tony Garnier (1869–1948), a French architect, designed an industrial city in response to urban growth problems. It is zoned according to residential, industrial, and commercial uses. It has concrete buildings, landscaped residences, streetcars for commuters—all serviced by a technology; but sensitively related to its environment (Schonfeld, 1998). However, it doesn’t …

Gradualism and The Conception of Species as Classes or Sets Rather Than Individuals

            The theory of gradualism which is also called phyletic gradualism is the concept that evolution occurs in a gradual way with small changes that accumulates through time.  The concept of gradualism is contradictory to punctualism.  Punctualism on the other hand is the idea that evolution happens in a very …

Critique Of Frued

Sigmund Freud is part of a group of thinkers who have reacted against religion in its formal expression (E.g. Church, liturgy, the belief that God lives in the heavens etc.), but at the same time seeks to internalize key religious concepts and then relate them to the human psyche. However, …

Psychosocial Theory

Examine the research that Erikson had done to test his theory as well as examine the research that other theorists did to strengthen or weaken his theory. A theory is a set of orderly ideas describing, explaining and predicting behavior (Woolfolk, 1987). It aims at giving meaning to what is …

Argument for the death penalty using rational choice/deterrence theory

             We are now debating on the use of death penalty as a form of state punishment. The Rational Choice Theory provides us valid reasons for the proposition of death as penalty.  It is based on the utilitarian assumption that human beings are calculating animals who carefully think and weigh …

Resource Based View

The purpose of this abstract is to summarize and evaluate the paper „Is the resource-based “view” a useful perspective for strategic management research “ written by RICHARD L. PRIEM and JOHN E. BUTLER. I.Summarization The authors try to clarify the fundamental theoretical statements of the resource based view (RBV) and …

Belief Perseverance

Jonestown cult members made a public declaration of their loyalty to Jim Jones by selling everyone of their personal possessions, and then followed him to the Republic of Guyana. Later, they would experience irrational manipulation and abuse, and they even stayed to the point of committing mass suicide when told …

Diophantine Equations

1.INTRODUCTION: The mathematician Diophantus of Alexandria around 250A.D. started some kind of research on some equations involving more than one variables which would take only integer values.These equations are famously known as “DIOPHANTINE EQUATION”,named due to Diophantus.The simplest type of Diophantine equations that we shall consider is the Linear Diophantine …

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