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Social Problems Essays

The opposing views of reconstruction after the Civil War

Reconstruction began to take place as the Civil War was coming to an end. The promise of peace after the war ended was not going to happen for quite some time. Now there was a new issue to be hashed out; how does the nation begin reconstruction and who is …

King Affonso I of Congo

King Affonso I, the venerated king of Congo, is one of the most influential and groundbreaking characters in the history of Africa. Once he converted to Christianity and became king, Affonso realized the abhorrence of slavery withing his state, for it was completely destroying his country through depopulation. Consequently, he …

Frederick Douglas: American Dream

In Pursuit of the American Dream The American Dream for the average slave was simple in mind, yet incredibly difficult to achieve. This basic dream was freedom, something we have lived with for all of our lives. To a slave, this is usually nothing more than a dream, one that …

Plantations and Chesapeake Bay Life in the 17th Century

Most of the land in the Chesapeake region during the 1600s was part of a plantation, plantations which were a major player in the shaping of the society both economically and socially. Plantations slowed the growth of cities and hindered the development of an advanced economy. Few merchant class folk …

Essay on the idea of marginality expressed by Bell Hooks

From its humble beginnings in 1776, the United States has been a bright beacon of equality, whose light has attracted millions of immigrants from all parts of the world. Yet, this heavily sought equality is still a fleeting ideal, an ideal not enjoyed by a portion of our population. These …

Development Of The Virginia And Massachusetts Colonies

Wealth is powerful when it is obtained by someone, but even more powerful when it is not. When people are striving for riches they tend to put that need above everything else. People will go through all sorts of difficulties and obstacles to make it in life. Striving for wealth …

British colonists in America

During the 17th and increasingly in the 18th century, British colonists charged Great Britain with violating the ideals of rule of law, self government, and the equality of rights. Though this may be true to some extent, the colonists themselves violated those very ideals in their treatment of others. When …

Analysis of Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise"

The poem I have chosen to write a detailed description and interpretation of is Maya Angelou’s ‘Still I Rise’. In analysing the chosen poem I will be considering the ways in which my own knowledge, experience and cultural identity might have an influence in the way I have read and …

Slavery Used Legal, Religious, and Economic Arguments to Defend the Institution

Throughout the history of the United States, there have always been conflicts between the North and the South. Basically throughout the 1900s, the North and South acted somewhat childishly towards each other about different topics. As the North became more industrialized and self sufficient, the South stayed behind and depended …

British colony of Jamaica during the period 1850-1900

The islands of the British West Indies saw foreign competition from the slave grown sugar of Louisiana and Cuba. However, by the 1860’s, due to a loan from the British government, Trinidad, Antigua, Barbados, British Guiana and St. Kitts all survived the equalization crisis. The sugar industry in Jamaica, on …

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