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Social Problems Essays

Benjamin Banneker & Paul Cuffee

Benjamin Banneker (November 9, 1731 – October 9, 1806) was a free African American scientist, surveyor, almanac author and farmer. Born in Baltimore County, Maryland to a free African American woman and a former slave, Banneker had little formal education and was largely self-taught. He is known for being part …

Civil War: Repressible or Irrepressible?

It is often said that hindsight is 20/20 vision, but some major historical events are surrounded by controversy, one of which is the Civil War: was it repressible or irrepressible? It was irrepressible because the north and south were too culturally different for a compromise to work. The south believed …

Slavery by Another Name

“Slavery by Another Name” is a documentary about the brutality southern white men inflicted upon black people. These white men would still hold slaves in one form or another even after laws have been passed prohibiting the use of slaves. They tried to find ways to bypass the laws that …

Ways to Stop Human Trafficking

In recent times, the number of human trafficking cases has skyrocketed through the roof. So, what exactly is human trafficking? Human trafficking is defined as a criminal activity, in which people are recruited, harboured, transported, bought or kidnapped for the purposes of exploitation. These exploitations include forced labour, child soldiery, …

Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

In the “Second Inaugural Address” (1865), Abraham Lincoln contemplates that they, as a United Nation, should reflect on the effects of the Civil War and move towards a better future for this nation. He addresses God and the issue of slavery in order to encourage the Northern and Southern states …

Breaking Through the Silence

An elderly woman waits along the sidewalk as the Metro bus full of student swings by to pick her up. As she enters, she holds a number of 99¢ Store bags in hand. She is clearly Hispanic, her brown skin and white hair and her modesty stand out. The bus …

Early Latin America

Introduction -During the 15th+16th centuries, Spain and Portugal colonized the Americas •Colonies were dependent (unlike Russia’s expansion) -Created economic dependency on W w/ lasing effects •Colonies maintained special contact w/ W (like Russia) -But Russia could decide what to borrow; colonies had W forms imposed •Superior tech., horses, and disease …

Victory over the Spirit of Humiliation and Oppression

I put on the full armour of God according to Ephesians 6:13-17: The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, take the shield of faith in our left hand and the sword of the spirit …

Quote from Frederick Douglas’ Narrative

Read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass on pages 174-183 of your text. Choose a quote that exhibits the use of powerful language and has a strong effect on you as the reader. Copy the quote in the box below. Then, list 5-6 powerful words or phrases from the …

My People Died Because of This Flag

“My people died because of this flag” is a comic strip written by Walt Handelsman in the year 2000. In order to understand this comic strip, it is necessary for the readers to look at the contextual information. In the comic strip, two men are discussing/ arguing about a matter …

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