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Shakespeare Essays

Romeo and Juliet - 1968 and 1996 Movie Comparison

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a cherished piece of literature that has been remade into movies many times throughout history. The 1968 version and the controversial 1996 version give different perspectives of Shakespeare’s famous play. While the 1968 classical version of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet should be appreciated, the …

Macbeth a Man Whose Ambition Out Weighed His Conscience

Macbeth’s struggle with evil was a long and somewhat deeper story. Shakespeare writes Macbeth so the reader has to think about why Macbeth did what he did and how much of what he did was him and how much were outside influences. The reader has to see that Macbeth was …

What different attitudes to love can be found in sonnets 116 and 130?

In sonnet 116 it defines love, by telling both what it is and is not. In the first quatrain Shakespeare talks about what love is not. Shakespeare says that love is “the marriage of true minds” which is a metaphor for true love, ideal and perfect love. Shakespeare uses the …

Romeo and Juliet Argumentative

Romeo and Juliet is a great and dramatic love tale written by William Shakespeare. In this world-wide famous story, some of Shakespeare’s most famous lines are written. In addition, the quoted lines from Romeo, Mercutio Capulet and Lady Capulet contributed to the death of Romeo and Juliet. These major characters, …

Othello as an outsider

Set in 16th century Venice, Othello, by William Shakespeare, explores the idea of an outsider from the very beginning of the play. Shakespeare uses Othello, a black army general, to explore the relationship of an outsider in high Venetian society using a variety of approaches. The reader sees characters consistently …

If You Were A Hollywood

If you were a Hollywood movie producer, and you were remaking this video for a 21st century audience, what celebrity or well-known person would you cast as the speaker, and where would you set the scene? Compare or contrast your choices with at least one of the given versions from …

A Midsummer Nights Dream on the exploration and themes of love

Throughout Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, there are many occasions where the characters face challenges with each others relationships. A Midsummer Night’s Dream focuses on the exploration of love in its many different forms. Some of these forms of love shown in A Midsummer Night’s Dream include forced love, parental …

Analysis of how Macbeth changes

Macbeth by William Shakespeare is the story of how one mans hubris destroys him. From it, we can extrapolate and comment on how in society people have a choice. We can live a life of altruism, valour and nobility or one fuelled by ambition, greed and violence. Macbeths journey from …

Romeo and Juliet sample answer

Did you find the play that you studied to be mainly serious or mainly light-hearted Explain your answer with reference to the play. (15) (b) Which element of the play had the greater impact on you, the serious element or the light-hearted element Clearly explain your choice with reference to …

Literary Analysis of Sonnet 138

William Shakespeare is known for his ability to use literature, and to use his words in a way many meanings can be drawn. Because of the beauty of his work and many interpretations of his literature, he has stood the test of time. William Shakespeare simultaneously used tone, word choice, …

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