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Russian Essays

How did Lenin and Robespierre's views on revolutionary leadership differ?

Lenin and Robespierre viewed revolutionary leadership in very different ways. Lenin was concerned with creating an organization and strategy that would show the political independence of the working class. He would have not cared what country he was doing it just that it was done somewhere so the world could …

What were the origins and the early manifestations of the Cold War?

In 1945 as the Second World War was coming to a close there emerged a new and altogether different type of war. The Cold War, as it is known, was a war where the two superpowers of the time the United States (US) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics …

The Decline And Fall Of The Romanov Dynasty

Nicholas II came to the throne during an arduous time in Russian history. It was a combination of factors, including his political ineptitude that led to the fall of the Romanov dynasty and eventually cost Nicholas II, the Tsarina Alexandra and their five children their lives. Russia was late in …

Yalta and Potsdam in the Cold War

The Cold War which started in the late 1940’s and ended in 1989 was one of the most contentious events of the 20th century. Even today, new information is surfacing about the war and its causes. The term Cold War is used as the two superpowers USA and USSR never …

Catherine, Frederick and Louis - Unenlightened Despots in an Enlightened Age

The Enlightenment is touted by modern historians as a time of intellectual and social advancement, an era of optimism and freedom unheard of in earlier times. The era of absolutism is seen as a time of mounting liberty that contributed to the rise of democracy in the Americas and elsewhere. …

Who is to blame for the Cold War?

The blame for the Cold War cannot be placed on one person — it developed as a series of chain reactions as a struggle for supremacy. It can be argued that the Cold War was inevitable, and therefore no one’s fault, due to the differences in the capitalist and communist …

Why did Stalin become leader after Lenin, not Trotsky?

In the beginning, as Lenin end grew nearer, there were five potential leaders, Bukharin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotsky and Stalin. It seemed so obvious that there only was one man to take over Lenin’s reign – Trotsky. He was Lenin’s right hand man, but a close second was Stalin. People saw …

The Cold War (DBQ)

The Cold War was “the struggle for global power between the United States and the Soviet Union following World War II” (History book, pg. 874). The Cold War began by controversial wants and needs from two different countries and several different “weapons” were used to fight this controversial war. The …

Who is to blame for the Cold War, Soviet Union or United States?

The Cold War was the elongated tension between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. It was a clash of these supergiants in political, ideological, military, and economic values and ideas. The blame for the Cold War cannot be placed on one person — it developed as a …

Why did the Bolsheviks appeal to the people of Russia in 1917?

The Bolsheviks appealed to the people of Russia in 1917 mainly because Russian society craved change. The tsar was now a part of the past and Russian society wanted to try something new. This is mainly why the Bolshevik party appealed to the people of Russia in 1917. The initial …

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