Perspective Essays

Introduction From history it has been noted that many of the children’s are used in the armed forces. And there were many governments and many social schemes are prohibiting the use of children’s for fighting against any one. There are many nations and states that have used many powers and …
Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist, is considered by many as the founder of Sociology for he was the first to present sociology as a science. According to Durkheim (1950, p. 110), “the determining cause of a social fact should be sought among the social facts preceding it and not among …
Sociologists in modern world analyze social institutions at various levels using different perspectives, ranging from concrete to sweeping generations. As a result, three major theoretical perspectives are employed namely the conflict, functionalist and symbolic interactionist perspective. These lines of thought offer different explanations on how society influences people and vice …
Abstract Theory is defined as a set of propositions derived from data and creative thinking, from which constructs are formed to describe interactions among variables and to generate hypotheses. Theory describes, explains, goes beyond the data, predicts, and leads to new knowledge. Characteristics of theory are stated by several writers, …
George Orwell provides to his readers in 1984 a dystopian look at how totalitarianism can influence the thought, speech, and action of the citizens of the effected state. The underlying theme throughout the text is the effect of Big Brother, from the loss of past language replaced by Newspeak and …
The 1960s cannot be appreciated unless we view it from the different perspective of people who were actually players of that time. It is best to see it from the eyes of a person who went to Vietnam, from a person who stayed home and fought for his civil rights …
Contained herein is an analysis on the similarities of modernization initiative that have been the hallmark for human development from mid 19th century. According to Davidson (2007; Harrison, 2006) the commonalities in respective initiative geographies lead to similarities in their design, implementation and effects (both positive and negative) to the …
Introduction 1.1 Background At present there are 88 public and private universities in Bangladesh. The numbers of public universities are 31 while private universities are 54. The first public university is The University of Dhaka, established in 1921. The establishment of private university is relatively a new phenomenon in this …
The brilliant tapestry in The Blind Assassin is classic Margaret Atwood. It is a story-within-a-story, a novel-within-a-novel interwoven in one beautifully crafted literary piece. The story, set in fictional Ontario and Toronto towns in the 1930s and 1940s, is told in the perspective of the narrator as well as perspective …
Cellular phones are currently a common sight among individuals. This electronic gadget provides a mobile means of communication among people, bypassing the requirement of using a telephonic device that is connected to a telephone line, of which in turn originates from a telephone jack. Cellular phones significantly contribute to the …
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