Patient Essays

“The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul. Let no one persuade you to cure the head until he has first given you his soul to be cured, for this is the …
Most of American perceives belief in religion as valuable, the issues of belief can be challenging for healthcare care provider when patients want to talk spiritual with them. Many barriers with the spirituality topic report by healthcare provider including lack of time, experience, difficult to notice which patient want to …
DIAGNOSTIC LAB/IMAGING: Lab results at time of admission showed a WBC count of 13. CT scan done in the ED revealed acute appendicitis with a phlegmon. HOSPITAL COURSE: This 46-year old Caucasian gentleman presented ED with a three day history of abdominal pain. However, in the past 24 hours it …
Abstract Chronic kidney failure and its complications require a more integrated nursing approach so as to enable patients have a quality life even when undergoing dialysis or even after undergoing kidney transplantation. There are those who push for an effective evidence based approach that pay attention to holistic care of …
Chapter One The Problem and Its Background Introduction Waiting, an idle time, is not convenient to anyone even if it is just as simple as lining up to take an elevator. In this instance, a mounted mirror on the sides of the lobby can help divert the attention of …
Introduction The legacy health system has undertaken to provide safe environ anent to the healthcare system especially the patient’s safety. In order decrease the number of preventable medical accidents and mistakes. Some of the means that are used include use of simplified processes, standardized procedures and equipment, working as a …
Introduction Glycine max, also known as the soya plant, is a leguminous plant just like any other beans or peas. It belongs to the Pea family Fabaceae. It is an erect, hairy plant that ranges from 2 to 5 ft in height. It has large trifoliate leaves, produces small …
Abstract Glucosamine, known for its effect on bone health, is used to treat Arthritis and decrease incidents of pain and swelling of bone cartilages. This paper intends to review study conducted on the subject and determine whether glocosamine, as applied in the treatment of arthritis, will be able to …
Introduction Medication errors have been a problem in the medical field for many years. Medication errors are one of the most common types of error in the health-care field that affects the lives and safety of the patient (Schoenecker, 2007). The prevention of medication errors is possible, if the nurse …
Phenomenon My phenomenon is that patients with amblyopia often are noted to have a more severe visual acuity deficit when tested with a full line of optotypes than when tested with isolated optotypes. This phenomenon, known as the crowding effect, must be considered when testing visual acuity in patients …
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