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Pakistan Essays

Shooting of Malala Yousafzai

On October 9th 2012, during a regular Monday morning, 14-year-old student and children’s activist Malala Yousafzai was severely wounded when an un-identified man ordered students to point out Malala and when they did, the man open fired on her causing bullets to penetrate her skull and neck. The attempted assassination, …

The Political Stability of Pakistan

Since the demise of the Quaid and the murder of Liaquat Ali, our motherland has been experiencing recurring military coups, instable democracy, crippled economy, fragile judiciary and social stagnation due to brain dead politicians, ear jammed bureaucracy, egoistical feudal, religious war lords, profit oriented industrialists power hunger generals, and illiterate …

FM Radio And Social Change In Quetta City

FM Radio is a device that can influence to its listeners in worldwide areas. It has capacity to increase one’s knowledge, ideas, and understanding on any issue while maintaining personal relationship with its transmission. It is a medium by which its listeners interact with their environmental subjects. It can also …

Flood Monitering

Pakistan has diverse geography with Northern alpines covered with glaciers and Southern Plains bordering the Arabian Sea. There are five big rivers flowing through the country from north to south namely the mighty Indus and its tributaries, that is, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej. There is a well marked monsoon …

British Colonial Rule

The British Raj (rāj, lit. “reign” in Hindi)[1] was British rule in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947.[2] The term can also refer to the period of dominion.[2][3] The region under British control, commonly calledIndia in contemporary usage, included areas directly administered by the United Kingdom[4] (contemporaneously British India), …

Political Problems of Pakistan

The term ‘socio-political’ signifies the combination of social and political factors. These are issues that regulated by political policy that affect whole societies. The first known use of the term “socio-political” was in 1884. Political sociology was traditionally concerned with how social trends, dynamics, and structures of domination affect formal …

Impact of Globalization on Leather Industry of Pakistan

Choose ONE from the following: 1. Using the example of two countries of your choice, discuss and evaluate the impact of cultural and/or class differences on business. 2. Using a country of your choice as an example, demonstrate and evaluate how the government seeks to compensate for market failures. 3. …

Diplomacy and Propaganda in the Kashmir War

Abstract: The conflict between Hindu and Muslims over the Kashmir region is one of the bloodiest religious wars in history, exceeding in violence the Crusades or the “Thirty years war’’. As long as the Indian colony was under British rule, the tensions were kept under control, but during the decolonization …

Game Theory

Introduction India and Pakistan have been involved in conflict over Kashmir since Independence. It has led to numerous wars and attacks. The relations and wars over Kashmir can be studied using Game Theory. Tit for Tat policy has been practiced by both nations. The pay of for wars for both …

Teacher Training in Pakistan

Student teaching is a unique opportunity for inexperienced, pre-service teachers to develop a clear professional identity and explore the full responsibilities of a practicing teacher while having solid, supervisory support from an experienced educator. However, this valuable educational opportunity needs improvement in today’s Pakistani educational system. The study incorporated student …

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