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Othello Essays

Othello essay - "To what extent is Iago responsible for the tragedy?

The character of Iago in Shakespeare’s “Othello” is possibly Shakespeare’s darkest character, not because he kills other characters but for his almost supernatural ability to manipulate the other figures of the play. He manipulates the other characters into following their own agendas and all the while coming closer to his …

Relationships effect the outcokme of the play ''Othello'' by William Shakespear

In the play Othello by Shakespeare there are numerous various male and female roles, that between husband and wife, mater and servant relationships as well as the relationship between men and women in the set society which is patriarchally based. The male/female relationships have a large part to play in …

Othello Essay

Aristotle’s definition of ‘tragedy’ requires the audience to be profoundly moved by the course of events. Discuss your response to the play by the end of the final scene. Explain the extent to which you fit Aristotle’s definition. (Timed essay) Aristotle’s definition of a tragedy which requires the audience to …

To What Extent Is Othello Responsible For His Own Downfall?

A tragedy is the story of an individual whose downfall is brought about by specific defects in his character, tragic flaws. The play, Othello, is a twisted tale of deceit and revenge. Iago creates an alternate world filled with lies, that unfortunately consumes the trusting and naive Othello. Othello’s downfall …

Explain how Iago manipulates Roderigo in Act 2: Scene 1.

In Act 2, scene 1, Iago’s comment that Othello and Desdemona “are well tuned” is a metaphor of harmonic music in which he uses to indicate the current harmony of Othello’s marriage. However the comment is then followed by Iago’s vow “to set down the pegs”, which show his intentions …

How does Iago manipulate Othello in Act 3?

The timing of events is very important in Act III. Iago anticipates and manipulates the other characters so skilfully that they seem to be acting simultaneously of their own free will and as Iago’s puppets. For example, it takes only the slightest prompting on Iago’s part to put Othello into …

The Psychoanalytic Perspective in Relation to Iago

There are a number of perspectives that a critic can use to interpret a work of literature. One perspective, the psychological approach, deals with interpreting the text by using what is known about psychology. Some critics will try and understand the writers while, “still other critics employ methods of Freudian …

What is the importance of setting and geography in William Shakespeare's 'Othello'?

Themes such as jealousy, deception and passion interwoven through the text of ‘Othello’ make the story riveting. But before we can understand why events take place and characters motivations’ it is important to analyse the geographical arena in which the story of Othello and the moral struggles of the characters …

"Othello" and "O" Comparative Essay

We live in a world entangled with lies, jealousy, violence and tragedy. We are an envious society that never has enough, and we’re willing to tear down others to get what we want, or to ruin their happiness. Two texts that portray these values of society include “Othello”, a play …

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