Macroeconomic Essays

U.S real estate has always been a fascinating sector for the foreign investors. The foreign as well as the international investors are drawn to the U.S. real estate because of its independent judiciary, strong property private rights, growth oriented tax law, liquid capital markets etc. There is a huge effect …
1.1INTRODUCTION Economic growth is fundamental for sustainable development. It is not possible, for a developing country, to ameliorate the quality of life of its growing population without economic growth. The relationship between government expenditure and economic growth has continued to generate series of debate among scholars. Government performs two functions- …
Job loss has a devastating impact on families and children, especially when the search for another job becomes prolonged and fruitless. Unfortunately, few public programs and coping mechanisms are available. Unemployment is one of the many factors associated with a declining economic condition within the country manifested by the recession, …
This is to certify that this project report entitled “ STUDY OF MACROECONOMIC FACTORS ON BSE SENSEX” submitted to DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS is a bonafide record of the work done by “ GAURAV CHAUDHARY (2K12/MC/022), RAHUL MITTAL (2K12/MC/050) under my supervision from 10 JAN 2015 TO 30 APR 2015 …
Macro EconomicAnalysis Worldwide economic turmoil spread in 2007 as a result of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), with its effects continuing to be felt by many industries and economies, and particularly the retail sector. Currently, the global economy is resuming to a state of growth, with majority of economies recovering …
The differences between classical and Keynesian economics are many, but they can be categorized into a few key areas. In general, classical economists would like to see the government stay out of the economy, and try to influence it as little as possible. Keynesian economists, who follow the philosophy of …
There are many reasons for unemployment in the United States and around the world. Some of these causes are created by the individual and others are out of their control. No matter what the cause for unemployment, it has a devastating effect on the individual, family, and economy. Unemployment defined …
Unemployment is present in every economy and measures how healthy an economy is. It is when workers who are able and willing to work don’t have jobs. It is quite impossible to reach zero unemployment no matter how high aggregate demand is because there is always ‘natural unemployment’ that would …
Macroeconomics explores trends in the national economy as a whole considering the study of the sum of individual economic factors. Industry is affected by factors such as GDP, unemployment, inflation, interest rates, and consumer price index. Fiscal (government) policy can help guide the economy toward a particular track without dictating …
This paper is to assess a country’s current macroeconomic position and discuss what policy options have been adopted by the monetary and fiscal authorities in the past years in order to correct any inflation, unemployment or growth problems that exist. In this paper, Singapore’s economy will be discussed. Like most …
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