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Geography Essays

The Use and Abuse of Snowdonia, a Glaciated Upland Region

Glaciers have had a major effect on the way the landscape in North Wales has been shaped. The Snowdonia National Park in North West Wales (not far from Anglesy) has many features including ribbon lakes, striations, u-shaped valleys and misfit rivers, truncated spurs and hanging valleys, pyramidal peaks and aretes …

Explain How and Why the Ouse Floods and its Consequences

Over the years human influences have affected the Ouse. The river Ouse is the principle drainage basin in Yorkshire and is naturally very large, covering 10,770 square km. It has four main tributaries; they are the Wharfe, Derwent, Aire and Don, these all contribute to the Ouse having a large …

The Difference Between a Straight Section and a Meandering Section

This investigation is about river channels. We will be investigating the difference between a straight section and a meandering section. Choice of Site? The river we are studying is Millbrook, in the Ashdown forest just south of East Grinstead. The Ashdown Forrest is between 6 major roads, the A23, A272, …

Introduction to Study of the River Shuttle

This geographical report will focus on the changes in the characteristics of the River Shuttle as it flows down stream. The River Shuttle is approximately 6.3km in length. It flows from New Eltham (grid reference 443 737, landranger 117 0rdnance survey map), through Bexly where it flows into the River …

The Krakatoa Island

The island that existed in 1883 was the result of more than a million years of volcanic activity. Originally there had been no islands of Java and Sumatra, but about a million years ago a crack opened in the earth’s crust and lava and other volcanic material were forced through …

Where is Mount St Helens?

Mount St Helens is located in the Cascade Mountains in the North-West of the USA. For over one hundered and twenty years the volcano lay sleeping until 18th May 1980, the most destructive eruption for sixty years left people shocked. What was it Like Before the Eruption? Before the eruption …

Geographical Investigation into sub session on the Studland Heath Land

Aims: The key question for this enquiry is: “How and why does vegetation change along a psammosere succession?” This question states that, I must investigate into how the vegetation changes on the sand dunes through the heath land. With this key question, there are subheadings as shown below: * How …

The Holderness Coastline

The Holderness coastline is the fastest eroding coastline in Europe. The people who live on it are worried that their houses and land may shortly fall into the sea and they want the council to protect the coastline. In some places they have built different defence systems but, what about …

Should Cowden be Protected?

  Although, the erosion rates have decreased at Mappleton. It is obvious that the defences made to this town has increased the erosion rates in other places without defences. The erosion rate at Cowden, which lies directly south to Mappleton, has increased. The erosion rate has gone from eroding 2.54 …

How Are Coasts Eroded?

Waves are the agents of costal erosion, weathering also occurs on coastlines. Wind, Rain, Chemical, Biological weathering also affects the coast. What cause’s waves? Wind cause’s waves, a wave is a ripple on the surface of a water body created by wind passing over it. A wave breaks because the …

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