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England Essays

Cavalier Poetry and Cavalier Poets: Herrick, Carew, Lovelace

The term “cavalier poets” is used to denote a group of poets closely associated with the court of Charles I. The best representatives are Robert Herrick, Thomas Carew, and Richard Lovelace. (Andrew Marvell is sometimes associated with the cavaliers and sometimes with metaphysical poets). They were also known as “sons …


In Eighteenth century England a general rise in the sale of Gin was occurring. Gin was becoming more and more popular. Some English citizens approved and supported the sale of Gin while others did not. Some English people just wanted to stay neutral and produce a compromise between the two. …

The mid-Tudor crisis

“The mid-Tudor crisis” is a term often used by historians to describe the reigns of Edward VI (1547-1553) and Mary I (1553-1558). This period can be seen as a crisis, due to the fact that there were so many problems financially, socially, religiously and constitutionally, which led to rebellions, and …

Richard Wright And Frederick Douglas

Have u ever been wanted something so bad that u would never let a thing get in your way?? Well I have a story that will make your day. In the mist of adversity, two Black men overcame the odds and learned to read and write during a time when …

Discuss with examples how the English Language has changed over time

Benjamin Martin stipulates that no language can ever be permanently the same, but will always be in a variable and fluctuating state. Every existing language undergoes change with time. To the advantage of human beings, these changes occur gradually. Had this not been the case, people would be faced with …

British History In A Nutshell

British History In A Nutshell Britain: situated near the continent; coast easily accessible; fertile coun-try; temperate climate; mineral resources -> several invasions about 800 BC Celts (related to the Celts in Gaul) 55 ” 54 BC Julius Caesar landed twice; wanted to frighten them 43 AD Roman conquest began -> …

The Bayeux Tapestry

The Bayeux Tapestry is unique and invaluable as an artefact of its time. It is not as simply as appears however and it is essential that we define its provenance and date. We must also understand the idiosyncrasies of its design if it’s to take its place as a ‘major …

Aphra Behn's "The Widow Ranter"

Upon reading Aphra Behn’s, “The Widow Ranter”, it is impossible not to notice the similarities and parallels between the events and characters of the play and those of the English Civil War. These similarities may at first appear to be mere coincidences, it is true that may civil wars are …

Increasing Power in the 17th Century

Governmental systems in both France and England were greatly changing during the 17th Century. In England, absolute monarchies lost power while Parliament gained supremacy. France, on the other hand, saw Louis XIV strengthening his own offices and weakening both the Estates General and the local nobility. Absolutism, a political theory …

Absolutism in France versus Constitutional Monarchy in England

In the wake of the Reformation, two countries experienced a century of great change, and whether growth or decline, this change was drastic. After Elizabeth I died at the turn of the century, James I took the throne of England and took absolutism with him. He and the next five …

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