Earthquakes Essays

The aim of the enquiry is to find out what the factors were, which led to more people dying in the Gujarat earthquake in 2001, then the San Francisco earthquake in 1989. The Gujarat earthquake started at 8:46 am on Friday 26th January 2001. The earthquake struck the heavily populated …
Technology is the best way to reduce the impact of an earthquake. To what extent do you agree with this view? Technology can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to manage the hazard as well as the vulnerability and loss. Despite the fact that unlike …
Earthquakes can be devastating natural disasters as experienced in the Kobe earthquake in Japan. However, earthquakes are not what kill people, being unprepared is what causes the most harm. In the Northridge earthquake in California which was of very similar magnitude to the Kobe earthquake there were far less casualties. …
Tsunamis are series of ocean waves caused by underwater seismic activity or volcanic activity. Several countries all around the world are being affected by this type of natural disaster and even though usually small tsunamis do not cause much damage, the giant waves are a threat. A tsunami while reaching …
Hurricanes and earthquakes are two of the most dangerous natural disasters in the United States. They can be very disastrous and deadly. In the United States, there have been 73 hurricanes since 1954. Earthquakes are harder to detect because they have to have at least a magnitude of 5 (“Earthquakes …
“The hazards presented by volcanic and seismic events have the greatest impact on the world’s poorest people.” To what extent do you agree with this view? (40 marks) Volcanic and seismic events can take place all over the world and therefore both more economically developed countries (MEDCs) and less economically …
Hello, my name is Ashley Stein and I am here to teach you some important information about earthquakes, the dangers of the plate tectonics and faults in the area, and the historical disaster as well as the future potential for earthquakes in the Los Angeles area. An earthquake is caused …
In May 2008, a major earthquake hit Sichuan in the south west of China, it was estimated that around 69 000 to 80 000 people were killed and buildings collapsed with people in them information from an OCR science booklet, a news sheet. In my case study, I will be …
The Lesson Activities will help you meet these educational goals: Science Inquiry—You will conduct online research in which you will collect information, make observations, and communicate your results in written form. STEM—You will analyze real-world situations to grow in your understanding of science as a creative human activity. 21st Century …
Introduction: As Humans beings living on earth we all have to succumb to a natural disaster of some sort. Whether that may be a severe thunderstorm, tornado, hurricane, or a Magnitude 9 earthquake there is always a financial consequence for most of these natural disasters. After a earthquake occurs the …
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