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Earth Essays

Creation Myths (Similarities and Differences)

Because the creation of the universe has intrigued mankind for ages, creation stories are formulated in attempt to provide answers to the question of existence. People want to explain phenomenon and the unknown. Creation myths serve to give reasoning to these mysteries, no matter how bizarre and unrealistic they may …

A historical perspective on Disney's latest film "Brother Bear"

This past weekend I saw the movie Brother Bear, it’s a new Disney movie and rated G. I have some trouble with the historical accuracy of the film and will be discussing that at great length. Sure it’s a children’s movie, but does that mean it’s ok to disregard historical …

Pessimism in Thornton Wilder's "Our Town"

Thornton Wilder epitomizes pessimism in “Our Town” through the everyday actions of the characters, the trivialness of life, and the attitudes of the dead toward their once loved world. People are spent through their meaningless everyday tasks, characters are shown to be worthless in comparison to the universe, and the …

A world without plants

Plants; probably the most ignored organism on this planet. People walk past plant and cut them down but nobody ever thinks about what they do for us, what the world would be if there was never any plants or photosynthetic organisms. If the world never had these organisms the world …

Venice: City of Dreams

The city of Venice is one of the most magical places on earth. The first step taken there is like walking into a different world, where time seems to stand still and greet you with a warm laugh. The overwhelming power of the city plays on its subjects curiosity and …

How John Donne uses the prevelant theories of Astronomy

Today, we have a thorough understanding of the structure of our universe. We know that the earth is round, is the third planet from the sun, and the sun is the center of our universe. We also know that the space around our universe simply goes on forever – it …

In 100 Years

The world will be a better place in 100 years. The people will have an entirely different perspective on the way to live. Everything will have advanced and made living easier. Crime will have minimized with the growing technology of the world. The U.S. Government will have gotten organized and …

Venus: Our Sister Planet?

Venus is known as the jewel of the sky. It was thought to be two different planets by ancient astronomers and thus referred to as the morning star and the evening star. Early astronomers also referred to Venus as Earth’s sister planet. Both are considered young planets due to the …

Our Shrinking World

The daily life of human beings is filled with simple concerns. The concerns are rightfully of acquisition and desire: who should matter more to the human other than the human itself? The natural drive of procreation has evolved beyond continuance of species. People now strive to fill the earth with …

Deforestation and Global Warming

Deforestation is clearing Earth’s forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land. Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world’s land area, but large areas the size of Panama are lost each year. The world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a …

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