Disease Essays

Abstract: Glucose-6-phospate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD), an X-linked inherited disease, is due to the lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. This enzyme is present in red blood cells and its deficiency can lead to hemolytic anemia. Red blood cells carry oxygen and G6PD protects these cells from natural oxygen chemicals that may build …
A balikbayan patient asked me recently about the anticancer effects of custard apple or sour sop. I was embarrassed to admit I didn’t quite know what the fruit was, but promised her I would request my research staff to search the scientific literatures about it. I gave the assignment to …
My personal perspective here is that we should really take care of ourselves. Taking care of our body is a must our physical body is God’s temple and the reason we are responsible for whatever damage it would have. We shouldn’t abuse our physical body because in the end you …
Life Events Researchers have long been interested in understanding how individuals and environments affect each other, primarily so as to describe and explain age – related behaviour and individual differences. One focus has been to study life events. A life event is indicative of or requires a significant change in …
Low treatment rates imperil workers’ careers and companies’ productivity. Mental health problems affect many employees — a fact that is usually overlooked because these disorders tend to be hidden at work. Researchers analyzing results from the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey, a nationally representative study of Americans ages 15 to 54, …
Neurological System headaches, head injuries, dizziness, convulsions, tremors, weakness, numbness, tingling, difficulty speaking, and difficulty swallowing etc., medication): Neurologically JP is intact. Alert ox3 clear speech with no hesitations, c/o headaches and dizziness occasionally, upon arising in the am. She admits being “little stressed to family situations” and rotating shifts …
1.Describe the main types of mental ill health according to the psychiatric (dsm/icd) classification system: Mood Disorders Mood disorder is the term designating a group of diagnoses in the Diagnostic and statistic manual of mental disorders (DSM IV TR) classification system where a disturbance in the person’s mood is hypothesized …
The history of the debate for physician-assisted suicide has been long, even tracing back to the Greek and Roman times.1,2 The debate originally was centered around the Hippocratic oath and the condemnation of the practice. With the upsurge of Christianity, many physicians continued to condemn the practice. Within the last …
In this story by Connie Jan Maraan, the protagonist of the story is a ghost who died when the Tayuman LRT Station suddenly collapsed and the train came falling down on his face. According to him, he has seen Christ because of that incident. -Summary provided by: images.1aot.multiply.multiplycontent.com/…/PHIL.LIT%20-… (first entry …
Degenerative disc disease or DDD, is in fact the degeneration of the Intervertebral disc, which refers to the fibrocartilage that lies between adjacent Vertebrae* in the spine and clusters of chondrocytes**, both being suggestive to repair. The main Cause of the development of Degenerative disc disease is aging: As the …
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