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British Essays

British Colonial Rule

The British Raj (rāj, lit. “reign” in Hindi)[1] was British rule in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947.[2] The term can also refer to the period of dominion.[2][3] The region under British control, commonly calledIndia in contemporary usage, included areas directly administered by the United Kingdom[4] (contemporaneously British India), …

Marriage and Civil Partnerships in Modern British Society

The significance of marriage varies across the world. It is difficult to define marriage in a way that could apply to all marriages, because marriage means whatever the couples marrying take it to mean. It is a matter of perception. The difficulty of defining marriage reflects the cultural, religious and …

British Airways

Political Factor- An activity related to government policy and its administrative practices that can have an effect on something. Most business operators will keep a watchful eye on any political factor, such as new legislation or regulatory shifts, which could have a substantial impact on how their business operates and …

The French And Indian War

– How did the French Indian War alter the relationship between Great Britain and the American colonies? The French and Indian war altered the relationship between Great Britain and the American colonies by political, economic, and ideological relations The French and Indian war was basically a seven year war between …

Cartoon Analyse ''British Brain''

The cartoon “Brain of Britain“ shows a cross section of a British Brain and it deals with stereotypes. It is splitted in two pictures. In the bigger picture we can see an elderly man. He has a moustache and he is looking on the left side. The special thing in …

Critical analysis of British Airways

1.0 Introduction Research has suggested that in order for a brand to achieve profitable success, it is essential to attain strong operational effectiveness as well as a favourable strategic position through providing a unique added value to a product or service that is similar to that of competitors within the …

British Military Measures

In the 1770s, the French and Indian War had just ended and Britain was in massive debt. Britain, being the mother country, placed numerous taxes and acts into place on its child, the colonies, to pay the debt as per mercantilism. The colonists were furious because they believed they had …

British Airways: Strategic Plan

I. Introduction British Airways plc provides air services operations both at international and domestic level. Its major business is commercial flight. It also caters to various services like cargo freight, mail services and other auxiliary services all over the world. Mainly it runs its business in United States and Europe. …

British Telecom Case Study

BT is the leading telecommunication company in Europe. As the information and telecommunication requirements of people increases, British Telecommunication (BT) has a leading corresponding growth in the size and number of information processed. Therefore, the genuine analyses on BT are required for such an important and strategic company. In that …

Were Americans justified in declaring independence from Britain?

The Americans were not justified in declaring independence from Britain. In the Declaration of Independence the Americans laid out their reasons for the break from Britain, most of which were complaints that seemed baseless or selfish. The Americans complained about taxes, about quartering soldiers, about having to obey the laws …

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