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Australia Essays

Voter Awareness

Mahatma Ghandi once said that “My Notion of Democracy is that under it, the weakest should have the same opportunity as the strongest’ (The Free Dictionary, 2010, p2). Ghandi’s struggle for freedom in India resulted in self-rule being granted to the people. We sing about freedom in our national anthem …

Describe A Visit To An Art Gallery

When I visited my brother who lives in Australia, he took me to a must-visit place — the National Art Gallery. Selva knew I was an amateur painter and hence, loved all types of paintings such as still-life abstract and others. It was the beginning of spring when I arrived …

Clancy of the Overflow

One such example of a text that can be identified as Australian due to its use of the stereotypical ideas of Australian identity is Clancy of the Overflow, a poem by AB Banjo Paterson. This text is written from the point of view of a city-dweller who once met the …

Australians Vision

How is language used to represent distinctly Australian visions in Douglas Stewarts Poetry? Use “Snow gum and Lady feeding the cats” Douglas Stewart is one of the great poets who portray the though and varied landscape, with its flora and fauna using his poetry and diverse vocabulary. His effective use …

Film ''The Castle''

In composing texts, composers strive to carry across a voice. A voice, which is distinctive due to the various ideologies, it brings to the fore. ‘The Castle’ a film, directed by Rob Sitch, is such a text, where the composer creates a ‘distinctly’ Australian voice’ through the examination of such …

Stolen Generations

This essay will examine an aspect of civil rights or the origin that developed the need of civil rights by focusing on the following point; the stolen generation. The ‘Stolen Generations’ are the generations of Aboriginal children taken away from their families by governments, churches and welfare bodies to be …

Family Essay

Nowadays, it is a multiple society in Australia which consist of several nationalities and variety of structures and roles of families depends on different cultural background. This essay will define what the family structure and roles are and analysis the differences about these two types of factors between Australian family …

Sno Case

1. What criteria did  use to determine the suitability of Japan as an international market for SnoVac products? What criteria did he not use? What may have been the impact on the success of Sno’s marketing plan of his choice of criteria? The criteria were determinate by the size of …

Kevin Rudd Sorry Speech Analysis

Kevin Rudd (Prime Minister at the time) made an apology to the “Stolen Generation” from the Parliament House, Canberra, 2008. The “Stolen Generation” were the children of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from the Australian Federal and State government agencies and church missions, under the …

Fear of what is different or unfamiliar lies

It has come to my attention in recent times, In light of the Lindt Café siege, the Impact of Racism against other Australians, in particular those in Australia of the Muslim faith. You see Mr Editor, We are dealing with an epidemic on two fronts, Firstly there is the very …

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