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Employment responsibilities

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CT257 Understanding Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health and Social Care or Children and young peoples settings.

List the aspects of employment covered by law.

Minimum Wage.
Hours worked.
Health and safety.
Holiday entitlement.
Disciplinary procedures.
Union rights.

List the main features of current employment legislation.

Employment Rights.
Health and Safety.
Equalities and Discrimination.

 Outline why legislation to employment exists.

Legislation relating to employment exists to help protect the rights of the employees and employers. This is done by providing rules and regulations that must be followed.

 Identify sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights.

Your employer
Policy documents.
HR Department
Line manager
Citizens Advice Bureau.
Community Legal Advice.
Access to work
Additional learning Supporting
Advice from trade unions
The Equality Act 2010
Health and Social care Act 2008
The Sex Discrimination Act ,1975 and Code of Practice.
The Race Relations Act , 1976 and Code of Practice
Race Relations Act 2000
The Disabilities Discrimination Act , 1995 and Code of Practice. Data Protection Act 1998 – guidance 2002
Employment Rights Act 1996
Employment Act 2002
National Minimum Wage Act , 1998
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

 Describe the terms and conditions of own contract of employment.

Job description – What my Job title is.
What my rate of pay is.
How many holidays I am entitled to.
How many working hours.
How to report Illness or absence and about sick pay
Complaints procedures.
About notice of leaving or dismissal.
About uniform.
About Training
Annual Assessments

 Describe the information shown on own pay statement.

Employers name
PAYE Ref number
National insurance number
Holidays taken
Holidays left
Hours worked
Hourly rate
Total amount to pay
Tax deduction
Tax code
National insurance deduction
Total tax stopped to date
Total national insurance to date
Total amount earned to date

Describe the procedures to follow in event of a grievance.

The first thing to do in the event of a grievance is to go to the manager and air out what the grievance is and explain why you not happy and dissatisfied. If after seeing you manager the grievance can be sorted quickly and effectively then no further action needs to be taken , but if it can not be sorted through them then you must put the grievance down in writing and give it to your employer. The employer must then invite you to a meeting to discuss the grievance , at this meeting you can take someone with you (a work colleague or union representative). Following the meeting the employer must notify you in writing of any decisions and give you the right to appeal. If you do wish to appeal then you employee must invite you to an appeal meeting and then any decisions made given to you then. All grievance procedures must follow the ACAS Code of Practice, (Advisory,Conciliation and Arbitration Service ) .

Identify the personal information that must be kept up to date with own employer.

Emergency contact details
Details of absences
Details of training done
Copies of appraisals
Details of any disciplinary action

 Explain agreed ways of working with employer.

Policies and procedures are “agreed ways of working” that set out how your employer requires you to work. They help you to provide a good quality service working within the legal framework and most importantly aim to keep you and the people you care for safe from harm. You are being paid to do a job for your employer. If you do not follow their agreed ways of working, you could cause harm to yourself or others and you could find yourself subject to disciplinary procedures which could lead to dismissal or even prosecution if you break the law.A

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